Haley says GOP, Trump need to ‘quit whining’ about Harris

Haley says GOP, Trump need to ‘quit whining’ about Harris

Haley says GOP, Trump need to ‘quit whining’ about Harris

Posted by Franciseli

  1. Nikki Haley would have been a formidable Republican candidate.

    She wouldn’t have spent two hours slurring into a phone replaying all her old hits to Elon Musk that’s for sure.

    She knows how to argue policy and facts and details. Three things Trump has no interest in doing.

  2. Nah, Trump needs to stop listening to them. Keep going Donnie you’re doing… you’re doing.

  3. While she’s not wrong from a strictly tactical perspective, we are 80 days out from the election and any likely voters now are well exposed to trumps antics. The GOPs stance on revoking our rights, instituting religion and essentially turning us into everything non-american is basically set in stone. If they were smart, they wouldnt have let trump run. They would have run Haley who would have sunk Biden so fast he makes the titanic look like a mercy. I despise Haley but I believe thats the truth (anyones welcome to discuss and/or correct me, i welcome it). They should have used a likeable candidate to THEN dismantle the institutions and thus make project 2028 or whatever. Would have been a much more solidified plan.

    Instead they’ve allowed a mental patient to run wild all over the campaign, ruining their reputation and trust for an entire generation… They’ve no doubt lined their pockets but if there was an inkling of thought put into this, it would have been much smarter. The gop isnt necessarily dying out but alot of the founders of this current extremist movement are very old by now. Life is unpredictable. This is in no way soliciting or endorsing the harm or death against any of them, but life and natural cause dont favor you past age 70. They just don’t. They needed this now and America is quite possibly the luckiest its ever been that trump is the opposition. Its a case study for the ages.

  4. Doesn’t matter what she says. We watched her go against everything she believed regarding Trump and then willingly give her soul to him

  5. She’s right. If you can’t beat a replacement candidate three months before an election, maybe you need to look at the strength of YOUR candidate.

  6. Again Haley with lies- the only truth she ever said -is that whatever party drops their old candidate- will win the election . Congratulations President Harris- Haley predicted your presidency.

  7. She will be kissing his ass, apologizing and campaigning for him, before the week is out.

  8. Bet that is going over well. The magat base is Dusting off the old Haley d-threts as we speak

  9. Haley can sit the fuck down. It’s her fault Jan 6 took place. She alone had the power to send in the troops, and she didn’t. Abject failure.

  10. She’s a woman and, regardless of her support, the chances of Trump listening to her are somewhere between zero and a snowball’s in hell. Also, asking Trump to stop whining is akin to asking the sun to stop rising in the morning. Not gonna happen.

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