Inside Trump’s ‘meltdown’: Ex-president ‘is lighting up his staff because he’s p*ssed’ about picking JD Vance

He picks the best ppl 😀

Posted by questison

  1. He literally picked JD Vance and now mad at others for his own mistake.

    I find it funny the party of “facts don’t care about your feelings” and “stop being a victim” worship the biggest in his feelings “victim” in the universe

  2. His last term, he did same thing. Picked them and they either quit or were fired. He’s not really good at anything except scamming, grifting and lying

  3. If history is any indication, Orange Hitler will just encourage an angry mob to go hang the guy.

  4. “Ex President” is the right way to refer to him. Weird when some sources call him President orange man.

  5. Noting to do with Vance. Every time this clown opens his mouth he’s digging his own grave.

    Also, Vance was picked for him by the Heritage/2025 people

  6. He had 4 years to pick someone……couldn’t even do that.

    So what makes us think that he should be President again. He messed up the Covid response…he is a weird individual.

  7. What if JD gets butthurt and just came back out with his hitler comparisons now?

  8. He doesn’t make his own decisions. He knows he’s a dolt. The funny part is that he surrounds himself with inexperienced people who don’t know what they’re doing.

  9. Janice Denise Vance (Stage name Anita Couch) was a bad pick. They were a never Trumper who changes their mind more often than their eyeliner.

  10. Is this a sub for speculative Fake News? Do they just churn out headlines to see what curries the most favor with the NPC community?

  11. Maybe he shouldn’t have listened to Putin and picked someone who isn’t explicitly pro-Russia? Maybe he could have done the impossible and actually LEARNED ANYTHING about the guy before he picked him. Maybe, just maybe, it isn’t all Vance’s fault and he’s actually to blame for a lot of this?

  12. While this might be a “feel good” article it doesn’t change MAGA-Minds or influence anyone at this point in the game. Most minds are made up already.

  13. I’m not saying Vance is weird, but dude found a great party outfit and stopped wearing it.

  14. Oh poor (racist, rapist, pedophile, felon) Baby! How dare they say say these things about you /s

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