Why is Kamala not sitting down for a long interview I will surely listen to with an open mind?

Why is Kamala not sitting down for a long interview I will surely listen to with an open mind?

Posted by TacosDeLucha

  1. “She won’t give us the soundbites we need to twist and attack her with. Not fair.”

  2. She went out of her way to walk over to the press and ask them “whatcha got?” They just asked about what she thought of Trump’s speech and what she had to say about Trump. Why would she want to engage in that junior high gossip fest.

  3. Because this
    Media to Trump: What’s on your mind?

    Media to Harris (before that Biden): Why haven’t you solved Gaza, fixed the climate, cured cancer, cloned dinosaurs, invaded Jupiter, how long did you know that you were old, what is your stance on schools installing security cameras, why do you laugh so much? You still haven’t fixed the Middle East yet. Why aren’t you doing more on Inflation. I DEMAND ANSWERS, etc, etc, etc.

  4. Yeah, trump literally stopped doing press conferences when he was president. [https://theconversation.com/trump-white-house-goes-300-days-without-a-press-briefing-why-thats-unprecedented-130164](https://theconversation.com/trump-white-house-goes-300-days-without-a-press-briefing-why-thats-unprecedented-130164) There was even talk of repurposing the iconic White House pressroom since it wasn’t needed anymore.

    He would walk out on the lawn sometimes and take a few questions (from Fox and OAN mostly) and then shuffle back inside. To this day if someone asks him a “nasty” question he will get mad and leave.

  5. The media is afraid of losing all the attention Trump has given them. They fear it all going away if we go back to normal.

  6. This is good and true.

    We know there is data from the Trump hack and nothing has been published. Yesterday, the NYT published a story about Hunter Biden writing a letter to get assistance with Bursima to the state department. Why is that still news considering Joe Biden is no longer running? Meanwhile, they are just sitting on Trump data.

  7. Why isn’t Kamala embarrassing herself on camera like Trump? IT’S NOT FAIR!!!

  8. She and her campaign are smart. She’s most likely waiting until after the Democratic convention next week before participating in any interviews.

  9. If anyone has any doubts about this watch Jon Stewart’s Daily Show segment where he compared Trump’s press conference to the treatment Biden’s press secretary gets.

  10. She should only do 1 or 2 big interviews and only if the journalists ask her questions about her campaign and not about whatever the latest Trump bullshit is.  

    We are tired of hearing about Trump. I want to hear about the future.

    Giving too many interviews opens her up for out of context soundbites and dumb questions from shitty journalists

  11. They could, you know, actually cover her events if they want to ask her questions. Just saying.

  12. I’m guessing because she’s smart enough to know that U.S. media/press apparatuses are owned by rich Republican oligarchs who need the Grand Ole Perverts to guard their loot

  13. Seriously, fu*k the mainstream “news” media. They’ve lost all privileges by their own biased behavior and shoddy “journalism.”

  14. Just curious here and genuinely asking… Weren’t we the ones complaining about media bias like 5 months ago? What changed?

  15. Why should she when every time Trump/Vance open their mouths they say something moronic? They’re doing her job for her.

  16. It’s funny to me Trump calls all media fake news, but then MAGA will say Kamala is a coward for not talking to that same fake news media.

  17. I will say that I’m voting for Harris but I also would like her to sit down for an interview

  18. Kamala should stick it to these crooked media outlets and do her first sit down interview with an independent outlets like David Parkman or Brian Tyler Cohen

  19. Her rallies are talking loud and clear. The news media which has gone alarmingly red, can go pound sand. I ignore their biased bullshit, I know who to vote for. The fugly DonOld Dump face can also go pound sand, he shows every time he opens his yap how unfit he is.

  20. Watch any of the adversarial interviews that Trump and Vance have both taken part in. You all know Kamala is incapable of defending her record and view points which is why she denies unscripted interviews. It’s honestly pathetic that Reddit tries to protect her like this. She owes the American people answers, not just cackling at scripted events.

  21. Good strategic move at this point. Wait until she is actually confirmed at the convention, all the while refining her platform and finalizing her campaign strategy going forward. Why disrupt the unreal momentum that is happening at this point. Build to the convention, announce the platform and proceed to kick the crap outta trump.

  22. The V P will have a news conference when the V P is ready too. K? Donald Trump is a convicted felon and a sex offender. Let’s talk about why he’s not waiting for sentencing in a Detention Facility like you or I would?

  23. This is like the sports media complaining about Marshawn Lynch, who, when he finally had to sit and speak to the media, answered every question with, “I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”

    Same energy here.

  24. I do think it would be good practice for her to take a few walking questions from the scrum every day. It defuses the issue, it makes her seem serious, it keeps her on her toes, and it’s a good thing to do. And she can choose which question to answer from the yelling.

  25. I’ll tell you one thing—the OP of that meme wouldn’t be moved by anything she had to say.

  26. Yeah!, corporate media is bad! Wha! …. But they support the dems agenda and have consistently lied about Putin and Trump

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