Kamala Harris is closing gap on Donald Trump in Texas, poll suggests

Kamala Harris is closing gap on Donald Trump in Texas, poll suggests


Posted by _Daffy_Don

  1. They’re probably sick of Abbot’s shit too – hope all our friends in TX are registered to vote and ready to beat Trump till he breaks

  2. Texas deserves better leaders who care about the state more than their own private agendas

  3. People always misclassify Texas as some solid red ultra conservative state. Truth is Houston/Galveston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and the Rio Grande Valley are all very blue in color and that comprises at least 40% of the population. It will take a get out the vote campaign to get people off their recliner and to the voting stations.

  4. I have some old folks in my life – rabid Fox News boomers – and a few of them have decided to vote for Harris because Trump is such an unhinged loon.

    A few of them (small rural town boomers) are also staunchly against Abbot because of his attack on their local school’s funding.

    It’s odd to watch, for sure.

    Note: please – vote. Vote like your life and freedom from tyrannical busy bodies and religious zealots depends on it. It does.

  5. Lol. trump losing to Harris so hard that he flips *Texas* blue would be hilarious.

  6. The youth and women of this country will save this nation from anarchy. God bless you all

  7. After being happy, please go on [vote.gov](http://www.vote.gov) and make sure you can actually vote. Voter rolls purging was always part of the GOP’s game plan and has become an essential part now. And VOTE. The only poll that matters is on November 5th.

  8. I want to hear more conservative voices denouncing election deniers in charge of the counts, the party of “small government” needs to help hold them accountable to do their damn jobs for our Nation

  9. Texas has a huge population of Democrats. The winner take all electoral college is bullshit but the National Interstate Voter Compact is getting closer. [VOTE](https://vote.gov).

  10. Harris just needs to commit to fixing the problems with the electricity infrastructure. Tell Texas she can keep the lights on and stop $1000+ electric bills.

  11. In the chance that Harris wins Texas, the GOP will collectively projectile vomit and shit themselves.

  12. Read the article before getting excited. It was a poll of 400 people. TX has 30.5 MILLION.

    I’d say that poll ain’t accurate!

  13. I’ve lived in this shithole state my entire life and I’ll believe it will actually turn blue when I see it, which I don’t believe I will for a very long time

  14. Without massive voter suppression and making voting as hard as possible – TX would already be a blue state. It only stays red by making voting hard and leaving millions unable to vote currently.

  15. The fact that JD Vance could be president if old trump dies is enough to make anyone think twice. 

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