How can Republicans Not have Trump Fatigue? (OC)

How can Republicans Not have Trump Fatigue? (OC)

Posted by garthtoons

  1. Sunken cost fallacy. To admit he really is as bad as everyone else has been saying for the last ten years is just too much. That would be admitting they were wrong. They will just continue to double down forever.

  2. It’s stunning how many people will vote for somebody like trump just because they hate paying taxes. They couldn’t care less if he’s an incompetent, dimwitted, delusional felon, with aspirations of being a dictator. Put a few more bucks in their pocket every month and they’ll walk in front of a train for you.

    True patriots.

  3. I’m baffled of how many people actually vote on the guy for things like ”he says things like they are” or ”he’s a cherishes Christian values” and not for, you know, things you should vote for. Like having a reasonable stance in policies, let’s say ”I think the rich should pay some more taxes”. I think Trump would get a lot more voters if he would cut down half the crap he’s saying and adopting some of the more ‘old school’ GOP policies (tax the lower and middle class, less funding towards public school). Still stupid and evil, but would make him less of a lunatic.

  4. I think Trump has lost some of the republican party that are not his die hard cultist. In some red states there are local GOP leaders that are not supporting Trump which is not a good sign. In Georgia, he’s at war with the Secretary of State because he certified the 2020 election and said there was no evidence that it was stolen.

  5. He’s graded on such a curve. They will put up with all the corruption, criminal activity, fraud, lies, delusions, cognitive decline, narcissism, and downright incompetence, as long as you show disdain for migrants and will cut taxes. Then all else can be ignored. He has to be defeated in Nov.

  6. My taxes went up under Trump and I make over $100k. People making much less are fools to vote for him.

  7. Well the simplest answer would be racism. Can’t possibly vote for someone who isn’t white. Oh and a women too.

  8. I don’t think this is a partnership, not the way most assume. Trump isn’t a partner with the GOP by choice.

    It’s more like… A hostage situation.

    Trump has a following of die-hard night fanatical voters that will. not. abandon him, under any circumstance, and he knows it. He knows that in the right here and right now, he couldn’t lose  those voters even if he died.

    …and he’s made that evident to the GOP. They either make him their candidate, or he walks away with a chunk of the voterbase that the GOP cant survive without.

    That they’ve committed literal crimes to keep him in power is just icing on the cake for him, because it gives him more leverage. There’s a very real possibility that some GOP politicians would sooner throw out the bill of rights than risk losing now.

  9. Because the idiots are deep into the MAGAtt cult and only believe what their orange leader says.

  10. I mean… there are ones that do. Republicans have endorsed Kamala. That Mayor of Mesa gave a speech at one of her rallies where he said his party needs to be rescued from Donald Trump and republicans need to put their country above their party. Like I don’t love these people, but I’ll accept their votes and acknowledge their existence.

  11. Because they’re powning the Libs

    They would sit there quietly while everything they own, was taken away, including their assault rifles if they thought that they were somehow powning the Libs

    They proudly send the orange asshole buckets of money because they know that money will go to powning the Libs (not to pay his hookers and drug bills)

  12. Republicans have nothing to run on except cutting taxes, which is why the billionaire class is supporting them. That’s it. There’s nothing else, and they’ll absolutely deliver it and make middle class pay more taxes when elected. 

  13. I can’t wait for the day we don’t hear this guy’s stupid shit anymore. Please. He’s exhausting.

  14. Watching Republicans continue to suck on the lemon while it turns rotten is now becoming a pity party

  15. The vilification of Democrats has more to do with it than who the actual candidate is. And that has been in process for decades.

  16. This a perfect representation of Trump.

    His lips always reminded me of “Assface”, the comic book character.

  17. The day that we no longer have to listen to this paste eating windbag speak anymore can’t come soon enough.

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