Trump Returns To Twitter Asking If We’re ‘Better Off Now’—And It Backfires Instantly

Trump Returns To Twitter Asking If We’re ‘Better Off Now’—And It Backfires Instantly

Posted by SlightChocolate721

  1. This is definitely a losing argument for him. 2020 was one of the worst years in modern US history.

    No one wants to go back to that shit.

  2. Millions died under his watch from the COVID he brought her so yeah were way the fuck better.

    Also the economy is 2x better now than it was in TrumpTimes.

  3. > With his popularity waning, Trump’s campaign is hoping that aligning with Musk will give his flagging poll numbers a much-needed boost.

    I like the strategy of attaching more and more deeply unliked people to the campaign.


    Because four years ago my grandmother was being treated in a hallway due to the lack of rooms in the hospital and morgue trucks were parked outside to handle all the bodies.

    Never again.

  5. I’m doing a lot better now than I was when he was President. As are many people. I’d probably be doing even better if he was never President. But that’s neither here nor there.

  6. He left the country in shambles and when he lost the election he tried to run a coup. We are definitely better off without this incompetent loser in charge.

  7. The ample-dumpered feeb thought it’d be easy. He thought he’d be spending the summer lobbing comical insults at ol’ Sleepy Joe, then easily trounce him in November. Then his world turned upside down, and he’s completely flummoxed. He has no platform or policies beyond “HURRRR DURRR DURRR SLEEPY JOE OLD”, and that fact has become glaringly obvious to everyone, even some Trumpies.

  8. I will be even better off when I never have to hear him speak or hear his name ever again.

  9. Heck yah. I took a union job 5 years ago. Now I get annual raises, better health care, amazing work/life balance and job security.

    Job security was the main reason I left my old software developer gig. My family had just grown by 1, and I was willing to take a $$$$$ hit for security. Once I factored in health care and a pension, I took a $2000/year hit. Then I got a 2.5% raise 4 months later and it was a wash.

    After 5 years of raises, I’m making about $20k/year more than my previous coworkers. That’s a difference maker.

  10. I had a neighbor who was a big Fox News watcher and died of Covid in a hospital hallway in 2020. I wonder what he would say, but I can’t ask him.

  11. I’m doing better in many ways and, despite what Trump and his cohorts want me to think, I’m blaming *them* for the areas where I’m not doing better. These dumb fucks are the reason I lost my SALT deductions and the reason I’m paying more in taxes. The corrupt, craven Supreme Court they set against us is why I have to worry about my rights and the rights of people I love.

  12. 2.9% interest lowest since 21

    Recently got a commercial loan at 9.5%
    Last year i got one for 11%

    So yea things are getting better. He weaseled into an economy that Obama worked to create and lit it on fire with gas. He muffed the punt with COVID and now we are supposed to forget all that ?

  13. I have seen friends and family reposting the are you better off tweet and the Kamala crowd size accusations. Their propaganda machine is pretty effective, albeit dark and scary. Trump says something. The right wing talk shows and radio hosts repeat it and then the social media types start posting the same crap. Pretty soon, the minions of koolaid drinking clones accept these statements as fact. This process is repeated over and over until humanity is numb.

    The Wizard of Oz exists in our twisted reality.

  14. Astronomically better now than during the Trump presidency. In 2018 my partner got cancer. We lived in hotels for a year. We ended up broke and they died. In 2019 I lived out of my car, went to food pantries, was on SNAP, and lived in a commune while I got back on my feet. Today I’ve been in a great apartment going on 5 years, in the nicest area of a HCOL town, rent paid on time, I can buy whatever food I want, and have 6 figures in index funds that have grown substantially.

  15. Considering that inflation year over year is down to less than 3% and it hasn’t been this way since the spring of 2021 (Biden was our president during this period btw), and because of this the Fed might issue some rate , we are much better off without you, thanks.

    Since you’re either gonna lose the election or be forced to step down, it’s over for you.

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