While most of you will get the joke, it’s a sad truth I must actually explain to a few of you that this is parody/satire of AI-generated MAGA memes

While most of you will get the joke, it’s a sad truth I must actually explain to a few of you that this is parody/satire of AI-generated MAGA memes

Posted by professorearl

  1. Can we not with the AI cringe. Leave the weird AI copes to the maga crowd. Even if it’s satire it’s still cringe.

  2. No, these kinds of memes are super weird. We don’t need to see politicians as muscular heroes. This is what trumpers do.

  3. I mean. OK, I see the humor in this. But I’m also really fucking tired of that meme. Ugh.

  4. I fail to see how this is satire. All you did was take Kamala and stick her in place of Trump in a shitty MAGA meme. To not look like you just have your head up your backside like the Trump cult, I’d have gone into the absurd with the text or something to bring the actual satire into it.

    That said, even if this is a joke, please don’t do this. It’s gross. We’re not a cult, act like it.

  5. I think the weird maga obsession with Trump as an action hero is no less cringe when applied to kamala. We don’t need this shit cuit of personality

  6. Bro stop responding with shitty fucking gifs everyone got the joke you idiot we just think it’s unnecessary and cringe especially when trying to highlight the differences between the dem and rep party and you post this stupid fucking ai shit? take it down and realize why everyone is commenting the same thing you fucking dunce

  7. IMO these only give MAGA ammunition to say we’re just as crazy. Whether or not we use them jokingly, they’ll run with it as though we are serious.

  8. I hate this AI vomit even if it is a parody, and artists are still getting ripped off anyway.

  9. Don’t do this. They’re going to think we are serious. They do not understand satire.

  10. I think she said “I am the Stormy.” Just to fuck the Orange Menace up a little bit more.

  11. I have produced a few parodies and posted them on TruthSocial. Of course none of the maga get the joke.

  12. You know, as stupid as it is, I like it.
    Total parody, but still hilarious. Soon we will be seeing the Jesus ones.

  13. I’ve been posting this stuff on Truth Social and it drives them INSANE. Highly recommend.

  14. I would just like to say that I don’t find it at all sad that you have to explain to me that this is a parody. I have happily never seen said MAGA memes.

    ETA: this is not an invitation to send links.

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