Donald Trump Committing ‘Political Suicide,’ Republican Pollster Says

Donald Trump Committing ‘Political Suicide,’ Republican Pollster Says

Posted by Entropologic

  1. Donald Trump is nothing more than a host for the world’s most dire case of sociopathic malignant narcissism. Nothing he does is conscious ..he’s holding for dear life as his pesky personality disorder ramps itself for the real crazy shit it needs to throw down between now and Election Day. He’s deeply disturbed and has zero restraint or self control. If his mouth is open he’s gonna lie or insult somebody…it’s all he’s got.

  2. Donald Trump Committing ‘Political Suicide,’ Republican Pollster Says

    • Republican pollster Frank Luntz warns that a shift in messaging is crucial for Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party’s chances in the upcoming elections.

    • Polls indicate little movement in voter support for Trump and Biden, but Vice President Kamala Harris has gained momentum and leads in key economic areas, challenging Trump’s advantage.

    • Luntz advises Trump to address issues like housing, health care, food, and fuel instead of focusing on inflation, and emphasizes the impact of swing voters, highlighting Harris’ potential to sway the election outcome.

  3. The choice has never been clearer to me in 50 years of voting. We have a person that tells us he is qualified but hasn’t spent a minute telling us about his platform or ideas to move the country forward. He only wants to talk about deporting people, getting revenge on opponents and more tax cuts for the rich. The other candidate is stepping up and talking about how we restore women’s rights to decide about their own health needs, she has spoken about how to fix the housing problem in this country and she offers hope for immigration reform to occur. The choice is clear. Vote blue up and down the ballot. Give Kamala Harris the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Send the gop magats packing.

  4. For the record, this is what we thought in 2016 too.

    “How can people vote for a creepy moron pussy grabber?”

    But Hillary sent some emails so here we are. Take nothing for granted.

  5. He’s been doing this for years but the media can’t go on about Biden’s age or hate on Kamala so trumps insanity is getting 10% more coverage.

  6. “Luntz noted that the conditions of the country lean in Trump’s favor. With inflation still high and the housing market locking many Americans out of buying homes, people are still very dissatisfied with the economy.”

    What level of CTE does one need to think that Trump is going to steer the economy in favor of poor people and not his rich buddies?

  7. This is only true if you vote him out. Call your friends. Have them call their friends.

    Let’s send this pedophile rapist the most humiliating loss of his miserable life.

  8. He has the RNC funds, immunity, delayed trials….he doesn’t actually want to win

    Joe needs to enact a policy that presidents cannot pardon themselves to take that option off the table

  9. Unfortunately Frank Luntz isn’t exactly a reliable source. Anyone that has seen him do polling (e.g., his recent Biden vs Harris non-scientific poll) should know he’s a pro with leading questions that tease out the answer he wants.

    Hell, he even demonstrated how he can get people to poll in favor of polar opposite opinions at the same time on Penn & Teller’s Bullshit episode on numbers.

    Frank is a clever guy, but I don’t peg him as the most up front sort. I wouldn’t presume he would be open about his motives. It’s really because of people like him that polls are a crock of shit at all. Ton of psychology and social engineering

  10. The bottom line is that the gassy painted weirdo is a deeply lazy fraud of a human being, who has nothing of worth or merit to offer anyone. Like his entire “career”, Don Dingus is a lie, a living joke.

  11. The Republicans better sit down and shut up. It’s not like they haven’t been on this ride before. Trump has hijacked the party and set it back in the eyes of millions of voters. They deserve the shellacking they get. The voters know exactly who Trump is and what his record is. They know exactly what a Trump presidency is like. Why would anyone want to go back to that?

  12. This is the most just, entertaining, and exciting political event in the history of politics. ROT IN HELL SIR.

  13. About time it stuck, he’s been doing it for almost a decade now even if he’s too up his own ass to realize it, cultists are finally waking up I guess.

  14. Vote Blue in 2024! Register to vote if you’re not already registered at and if you are, confirm that you are still registered to vote. Your vote has never been more important.

  15. I think him and Musk should do a weekly interview. They will provide more ammunition and show people who they really are.

  16. Malignant narcissist are so cute that way because only they know the right way to do things.

  17. Many Americans are looking for a fresh face with new ideas.
    And Kamala Harris is tapping into that.
    Out with the old, and in with new!
    And Donald’s definitely old!

  18. Like when he insulted veterans?
    Like when he insulted disabled people?
    Like when he said the grab them by the pussy comment?
    Like when he said he would fuck his daughter if she wasn’t her offspring?
    Like when he was found liable for sexual assault?
    Like when he botched up the COVID emergency?
    Like when he incited an insurrection?

  19. My problem is with the people who still support Trump even though he has been accused of stealing national secrets and raping a 13 year old girl.

  20. We’re witnessing a textbook narcissistic collapse in real time. I’ll be glad once his name only shows up in psychology textbooks in the near future.

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