Trump Holds NC Rally in Tiny 2,400-Seat Auditorium

Trump Holds NC Rally in Tiny 2,400-Seat Auditorium

Trump Holds NC Rally in Tiny 2,400-Seat Auditorium

Posted by inewser

  1. Isnt he projected to win NC? Dont get me wrong, im very excited to see this headline but im confused. Did I miss something?

  2. Somebody in the North Carolina sub said their daughter just had her dance recital there. LOL

  3. And based on the pics from his past rallies, the amount that may show up might be less than what the auditorium has

  4. This place was cheaper. He didn’t want to pay $82,000 upfront for the other venue!! He owes a lot of states a buttload of money for the hate fests he’s had!!

  5. Yeah he want to know something if you know he does that double fist pump up like oh I’m bad I’m bad I’m bad he looks like a big fat gorilla trying to lift weights or something an orange buffoon or an orange orangutan is what he looks like
    Next what what’s the crowd count going to be this time there was 24,000 people at my rally no idiot it only holds 2,400 people and that’s the max now he’ll probably say there was about that many or more Harris is somehow doing some AI crap or whatever the hell he says whatever

  6. Checkmate, libs!

    He’s going to jam 230,000,000 million people in there. Largest crowd ever assembled on planet Earth.

    But the lamestream media will use AI and the cyber to produce fake empty seats.

    And meanwhile, no one is talking about Benghazi and her emails, and it’s a total disgrace.

  7. Might be because they demanded the money upfront and he’s too cheap to pay for the much bigger venue nearby.
    Or because he’s terrified he can’t draw as big of a crowd as Kamala.

  8. The discomforting part is that a a convicted felon, and criminal rapist under indictment in several states, could not only be a presidential candidate, but the lead presidential candidate of a major party in America.

  9. Crowd shrinking commensurate with the orange cheeto turd’s mental faculties. Glorious. He’s so weird!

  10. Shocking! I can’t believe nobody wants to vote for a dictator, among other criminal activities. (Nice plane….rapist) He’s only for corporations. The working person will pay the price for this. American oligarchs is his goal.

  11. >“I did that… I remember when I did it. I said I hope I’m elected because someone is going to get a lot of credit for doing what I got done,”

    dementia don

  12. Dows it matter? In a few days Trump will claim 17,000 people were there and it was the highest rated event on record…🙄

  13. The GREAT writer himself, Thomas Wolfe, would be HORRIFIED to hear that this felonious TRAITOR spoke in an auditorium named after him. I can hear him spinning in his grave this very moment.

  14. During his speech, Trump took credit for the $35 insulin cap, a policy achievement he mistakenly attributed to himself while accusing the Biden administration of falsely claiming credit. “I did that… I remember when I did it. I said I hope I’m elected because someone is going to get a lot of credit for doing what I got done,” Trump said, despite the fact that the policy was implemented under Biden’s presidency.

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