Trump Gets Desperate and Turns to His Teenage Son Barron for Advice on How to Reach Young Voters

Trump Gets Desperate and Turns to His Teenage Son Barron for Advice on How to Reach Young Voters

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Barron was so helpful about Vance and recent interviews. I can’t wait to see what he says.

  2. This is insane. Barron is a sheltered rich kid who has NO IDEA what it’s like to really live!!

    Normal 18-24 year olds understand college loans, getting a job, buying a house or renting…Barron has EVERYTHING handed to him. Which I guess means Trump is getting bad advice. After all, Barron recommended his father to do that video with the “butt sniffer”. LOL

  3. I thought the kid was autistic. I’ve never even see him utter a word publicly, let alone smile. I’m having a hard time picturing him throwing out campaign ideas outside of “more balloons”

  4. I feel like there’s a lot of layers to this that need to be peeled back before the common ground can be found.

  5. I’m sure Barron really has his finger on the pulse of the average teenager. Particularly those willing to support a 78 year old rapist, insurrectionist, sexually perverted, convicted felon who is creepy and weird. I’m sure this will turn the tide.

  6. Lol! I’m sure Barron knows how to reach young normies. You know, the ones who aren’t privileged elite trust fund yuppies.

  7. If he wasn’t a Trump he would be headed to a Mortuary College, he would be perfect.

  8. Barron is too busy taking suggestive pictures of his mother to know what the youth of today are after

  9. Guess it’s a matter of time before we see Trump with Aiden Ross and Logan Paul and other freaks dressed up as Skibidi toilet shooting guns as random objects while drenching their dicks in PRIME and bustin rhymes in zoomer lingo. Eager to see how desperate he is and how low he’s willing to go.

    It’ll be like that time Hillary Clinton said somethingsomething pokemon GO, and everyone went brother eughhh.

  10. And he pointed to him Aden Ross, who got absolutely lit up because he can’t read past a 5th grade reading level. And live on steaming, in front of 500,000 people committed campaign finance law. Then Ross threw an absolute bitch fit. lmao

  11. Why not try supporting policy that appeals to the masses? Oh wait we have minority rule here so that’s not a requirement for power.

  12. Yeah, if there’s anyone who has his finger on the pulse of modern American youth, their wants, their needs, and their desires, it’s the pampered, spoiled, privileged son of a sociopathic felon.

  13. Somehow, I don’t think he has the answers for that. He seems socially isolated from what I’ve seen.

  14. Trump at his next cult rally:

    “People say I have the most rizz of any president in history, no cap. They come up to me with tears in their eyes & say ‘Sir, you are the rizz master.’ We have to take our country back, and yeet out all illegals immigrants right into the skibidi toilet. Right in there! We love the skibidi toilets, don’t we folks? Bet.”

  15. Hahahahaha as if little boron has any idea how to relate to young voters. He’s a spoiled rich kid with a rapist as a father and a mail order wife as a mother.

  16. I’m not sure he’s actually his son.

    There’s no resemblance, and while DJT is only 5’7”, his “son” is like 6’11”

    Many people are strongly saying that Magic Johnson was seen visiting Mar a Logo at about the time the lad was conceived.

  17. Between Barron, Joe Rogan & Elon Musk, Trump should absolutely capture the “neck beard edge lord incel” vote.

  18. Yeah that’s going to help… turn to another member of the weird ass Addams Family for advice.

  19. Ah yes, a spoiled rich kid who’s dad is millionaire porn fucking pervert, truly the voice of today’s youth!!

  20. He’s about to start firing family members and replacing them with Roger Stone, Kid Rock, Kevin Sorbo….apparently he thinks Kamala would make a fine bride 🤷🏻‍♂️

  21. **BREAKING:** I have a transcript from leaked audio of Baron’s advice to Donald on how to reach regular folk.

    “Father, if you wish to connect with the young, talk to them in memespeak and let them see you hold your phone while being most certain it’s of at least two generations old, for I do know many among them so struggle. Next, while giving your press conference, I shall call you to interrupt. Such interruptions are not extraordinary among the commoners, and them witnessing this makes you what they call ‘being real.’ Lastly tell them you believe that a ninja could best a samurai in battle. Sebastian’s Mother tells me she overheard the colored valets argue such things.”

    Outta touch rich bastards, lol…..

  22. Barron is a sheltered, hermetically sealed in Trumpland adolescent imbecile. He has zero capability to provide anything outside of that bubble. And if he has any of his rutlords tendencies, if anything he’ll help set up daddy orange moron fail, just out of spite.

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