Israel and Hamas have had no direct negotiations so far

Israel and Hamas have had no direct negotiations so far

Posted by SaneForCocoaPuffs

  1. From the article

    > The source notes that Hamas officials wouldn’t have been in the same room with the Israeli delegation anyway, as the sides have refused to hold direct negotiations.

    They’ve been sitting in separate rooms while negotiators ferry messages back and forth.

  2. I mean..

    Both [Hamas and the US co-signed the ceasefire deal]( where Hamas would release all Hostages in return for humanitarian aid and where “activities in the Gaza Strip would be supervised by Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations who along with the United States would guarantee the proposal and its provisions”.

    Israels response was to then assasinate the chief negotiator, who by all reports was one of the [more pragmatic and moderate figures in Hamas ](

    Israel clearly does not want any negotiatons and would rather keep dropping bombs on tents 🤷‍♂️

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