Trump Shows Up to Vote in Florida All Alone – Without Melania or Barron, Who is Now Voting Age

Trump Shows Up to Vote in Florida All Alone – Without Melania or Barron, Who is Now Voting Age

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. must not be able to make the payments on his prostitute

    seems he can’t pay the bills

    weird failure trump

  2. Trimp: “Lyin’ Zergoxo, or whatever… whatever your name… not a great name, like mine… we can’t all be Me, of course… prostitutes pay Me! I am worth every million dollars they pay me, too. No complaints! Ever!”

  3. What an embarrassment. Maybe he will support vote by mail like we have in our civilized state. /s

  4. Can he legally vote in Florida?

    Florida Dept of State:

    “For any other felony conviction in Florida, a person is eligible to register and vote if the person has completed all terms of his or her sentence. Completion of the sentence means:

    Prison or jail time;

    Parole, probation, or other forms of supervision; and

    Payment of the total amount of all fines, fees, costs, and restitution ordered as part of the felony sentence.”

  5. Isn’t he a convicted felon? I thought they couldn’t vote. Maybe someone should look into that. (among a few other things) ;-P

  6. Baron is at home straddling Melania and photographing her for some totally “normal” reason

  7. Apparently, people were pissed because the Secret Service tied up the entire block for a full day and absolutely gridlocked the entire area for hours for this dumbass photo op. Virtually everyone working in the building had to go outside and wait in the 90-degree heat until they cleared the area. What an entitled douchebag.

    The locals are already completely angry because Ocean Avenue in Palm Beach in front of Mar-a-Lago is permanently closed, effectively cutting the island in half. The local city is looking at whether they have the legal right to close the club.

  8. How is a felon allowed to vote?! He can’t vote and he can’t have a gun. Stop treating him like he’s not a felon, he’s a felon!

  9. Pathetic little Donnie, voting all alone , where’s your crew little Donnie? Every hates you 

  10. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Melania files for divorce 30 days from the election…

  11. He was just complaining about early voting the other day. And voting should be on Election Day only. Everything with this weirdo is so complicated.

  12. The orange turd should get use to being alone. His time is near and i cant wait. Go blue wave!!

  13. If convicted felons can magically vote in Florida how does Desantis continually keep ex-felons from voting?

  14. Where is the family?..They are in Florida not far from the voting station.He sounds like defeated traitor knowing his days are over.

  15. What kind of anti-voting Republican run state allows early voting in mid-August? That seems extremely early.

    The DNC hasn’t even held their convention to formally acknowledge their candidate yet. How can the ballot be completed?

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