Republicans Fear Trump’s ‘Master Plan’ To Slow Harris Could Backfire And Sink The Party

Republicans Fear Trump’s ‘Master Plan’ To Slow Harris Could Backfire And Sink The Party

Republicans Fear Trump’s ‘Master Plan’ To Slow Harris Could Backfire And Sink The Party

Posted by newsjam

  1. “Master Plan” – get up and talk shit for a few hours, forget who he’s running against, take no questions, rinse and repeat

  2. His only agenda is to stoke hatred and fear and seize power by any means necessary. Not unlike his idol, Hitler.

  3. They don’t get that “sinking the party” doesn’t matter one bit to him. Silly GOP.

  4. Don’t let them tell you it’s a bad plan, Herr Shitzenpants! You just keep saying Kamabla isn’t really Black, and I’m sure even us college elitist commies in Marxifornia will vote red, bigly.

  5. Lol “political party puts every egg they have into one shoddily-constructed basket, hopes voters will ignore their terrible decision making and blindly keep their platform alive”

  6. “Many republicans worry Trump something something bad for them”. Good. They deserve all the worst things as they continue to sit on their hands and remain silent publicly about Trump

  7. Right now, Trump cannot slow down Harris because every movie he makes Harris made five more moves ahead of him. Trump is a prisoner of his own mind at this point.

  8. MAGA is over NO ONE wants the burn it all down policy run by crackpots. VOTE BLUE 🌊🌊🌊NOT GOING BACK

  9. He will split the party. Republicans will try to re-group. Then the MAGA party will drag the Republicans down.

  10. It seems like his staff had a big economic speech planned, but he got bored/distracted and decided to just ramble about Harris and Hunter Biden instead:

    >At one point, Trump seemed even to question the purpose of giving a speech ostensibly devoted to the economy. “They wanted to do a speech on the economy,” he riffed, apparently referring to his campaign aides. “They say it’s the most important subject. I’m not sure it is.”

    > … Yet throughout his speech, Trump ping-ponged between his prepared remarks and familiar attacks — deviating from the teleprompter in the middle of explaining a new economic promise when something triggered another thought. He ticked through prepared remarks crisply and quickly. The rest was his more freewheeling style, punctuated with hand gestures and hyperbole.

    > … More than once, he jumped from a policy contrast with Harris to taking another swipe at her hometown of San Francisco. He also noted several times that it was Biden, not Harris, who earned votes from Democratic primary voters. During a section of his speech on energy, he slipped in an apparent dig at Hunter Biden, the president’s son, and his “laptop from hell.”

  11. Who knew that a master plan from a guy who bankrupted more than 100 companies, including 2 casinos, wouldn’t work?!

  12. When you hand control of your party over to a person like Trump – a terrible man, a criminal who has only ever cared about himself – in exchange for temporary power, you can’t be mad at anyone else when things blow up in your face.

    Every senate republican who failed to convict Trump after 1/6 is partially responsible for every bad thing he does in his pursuit of power, from his lack of strategy to (more importantly) his impending refusal to accept the results of the election. If all he does is lose them this election and run away to Venuzuela, they are very lucky. They have no choice but to let Trump be Trump.

    Vote for Kamala instead of this traitor

  13. >focusing on undermining her competence and linking her to economic woes under the moniker “Kamalanomics.

    Harris should totally run with it showing how absolutely strong the economy has become with Biden/Harris

    Gotta love Kamalanomics

  14. I think them using the word “master” in association with Orange Hitler is their first of many problems. Generally a red flag when a bunch of racists and misogynists say they have a “master plan” to slow a women of color down – mostly by hurling racial epithets her way hoping that their racist cult members will heed their orders. So “master race” IMO. But if the shoe fits . .

  15. Anyone who is considering voting for this childish bully is an enigma to me. How can anyone?

  16. It’s like they’re just starting to figure what the rest of the world has always known … he’s a fucking buffoon that is completely unqualified for the job.

  17. Boo hoo. The spineless morons who would not stand up to him are worried…..

  18. The party was already sunk the minute they invited the orange traitor into it . The old republican party is gone and its morphed into a MEGA cult

  19. Dude. I am flabbergasted. He has been a shit show daily since Kamala showed up, most republicans have secretly despised Trump for years, with several becoming increasingly vocal about him.

    If you expect his next thing to fail like everything else has, then why stay with him? Get in the life boat and start paddling away. The ship is sinking. Your heart won’t go on if you drown with it.

  20. The party died in 2016. It’s a propped up zombie party.

    Notice how the GOP has no platform beyond hate and supporting Trump.

    Real parties have real platforms.

  21. Master plan? He can’t even master his own bowel movements. Republicans are right to be scared at this point. Trump is going to be an anchor around their necks for a generation… and I am so here for it.

  22. She’s going to destroy him at the debate. It’s gonna be a snuff film at the end of it

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