Donald Trump on path to jail, not becoming president

Donald Trump on path to jail, not becoming president

Posted by DippyHippy420

  1. The fact that this is even something that has to be said is beyond insane. I remember when spelling words wrong was enough to end political careers. Howard Dean yelled when he was excited around his own people and they were like “yikes” and his campaign died right there.

  2. not just him, perpetrators like Moscow Marge, pedo Gaetz, rest of MAGA idiots that are in the Senate and Congress

  3. As much as I hate it, if he gets incarcerated, it will most likely be a house arrest. I don’t know of any facility that is prepared to house his Secret Service detail.

  4. I think there needs to be video proof of him assaulting someone at this point to really do anything.

  5. That’s why he threatened to leave the country…he know if he doesn’t win and is granted immunity he is fucked.

  6. Don’t threaten the world with a good time, I got a special bottle (or two) ready for the day man baby bone spurs runs out of delay tactics and finally gets held accountable. Especially if he takes all his enablers with him.

  7. Mcdonals, adderal and diet coke are gonna get him before prison . His fat little heart can’t take much more of the hate he consumes and spews.

  8. But he can’t get sentenced yet. His attorney has a non-refundable, all expense paid trip planned with his wife.

  9. Gives an entire additional nuance to him being Orange Hitler. Orange Jumpsuit Hitler?

  10. I don’t care if he goes to jail, into exile or is playing golf every day. I just want him out of the news. The first step on the way there, dear Americans, is to not elect him president again.

  11. This MOFO should been jail years ago, all his scam businesses eg Trump University

  12. His prison should be house arrest in one of his shitty apartments in Trump Tower. And no cell phone.

  13. Pick a crime. Any crime.

    Jan 6 is my most favorite, but him in jail for jaywalking suits me.

  14. Where belongs, the evil felon bully abuser piece of shit. He embodies the opposite of American ideals. Cast the weird orange turd into the sewers of history when he belongs.

  15. Trump is proof that…

    America doesn’t have a **justice** system.

    America has a **legal** system, when you get the justice you can **afford**.

  16. His first day of incarceration will be one of the happiest days in the American history.

  17. I will never ever believe he will go to jail. Our justice system is anything but just. I’d settle for him fleeing to Venezuela.

  18. > Donald Trump Maybe on ‘Closer Path to Jail Than Presidency’: Ex-GOP Adviser – Newsweek

    How embarrassing for the US that “path to the presidency” is even an option for Trump.

  19. If anyone else had 34 felonies and stated they were thinking about leaving the country they would have been locked up already.

  20. He’s a serial rapist and pedophile. There is not a single redeeming quality to this man. His charities were fraudulent. He stole money from them. He hasn’t done a selfless or generous act ever in his life.

    SCOTUS should never have had to consider changing the Constitutional laws to protect him. His JOB was to uphold The Constitution. Not defy it and break dozens of laws while in office.

  21. This fucking song and dance about him being held accountable for all the horrendous shit he has been pulling off, is getting old.
    Just put him in jail, or fuck off.

  22. Why do you think he’s panicking and becoming unhinged.

    For a while, he thought he was going to skate past Biden and pardon himself for life.

  23. When Mar a lago sends its people, they’re not sending their best … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are ~~good people~~,” 

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