Venezuelan opposition leader rejects Brazil’s idea of redoing Venezuela’s presidential vote

Venezuelan opposition leader rejects Brazil’s idea of redoing Venezuela’s presidential vote

Posted by NetworkLlama

  1. Lula speedrunning the stages of grief lol

    1. Denial: Noooo, Maduro can’t possibly have lost!
    3. Bargaining: How about we all agree to have a new election?
    4. Depression: Coming soon.
    5. Acceptance: Tbh, i don’t think he has the brain for it.

  2. It’s a terrible proposal.

    All doubts around the election results come from Maduro’s government and party actions. He refused to show the tallies. The international observers openly reported that the elections weren’t fair or democratic. The electoral power is led by a member of his party which already puts into question its impartiality. Maduro then took matters to the Supreme Court so that they could decide if he was president, which also has dubious impartiality because the judges are all open Maduro supporters. He has been jailing protestors, even going into their houses. There are reports of the police and the military checking people’s phones on the streets and arresting those who have anti-Maduro messages. He has been openly suppressing the media in general.

    Maduro violated every single rule in the game. And Lula, Biden, Petro, and Amlo want to give him another chance? With what guarantees?

    Maduro has shown he won’t accept an electoral result that doesn’t favor him. The CNE has already proven they are willing to hide evidence of the electoral results. The government has already demonstrated that even the international observers they invited will be disregarded if they don’t side with them. Hell, they have gone as far as proposing pushing a law that bans international observers altogether!

    The July elections proved that Maduro’s government is not trust worthy in the slightest to host fair, free, and democratic elections. He does not DESERVE a second chance! Disregarding the will of the people and throwing our votes in the trash because Maduro didn’t like the results and Lula is too much of a pussy to stand up to his allies is a spit in the face to every single Venezuelan!

    All Maduro had to do to show that he won the election was tell the CNE to release the tallies! It’s that simple! WHY HIDE THEM!? Why are other presidents trying to push for a disregard of the elections instead of focusing on the main thing that was put into question in the first place?! Why would Maduro need to hide the final results if he is so sure he won!? He has the evidence! Show it! But he won’t! And we know why! And Lula knows why! And Petro knows why! And Amlo knows why! And Biden knows why!! Seriously! Fuck Trump, but also FUCK JOE BIDEN for this! Thank God Kamala is sending him to the retirement home!

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