Team Trump Is Panicking After Its Worst Month Ever

Team Trump Is Panicking After Its Worst Month Ever

Posted by thenewrepublic

  1. >As the campaign has struggled to land any sort of attack against Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, criticism has come inside and outside the campaign from dissatisfied conservatives, and advisers are being forced to downplay dissension within the ranks.

  2. Have they tried letting Trump ramble off-script in a dark room not too far from a bed? Maybe they could give that a shot for once.

  3. Biden was their golden ticket. You can basically see trumps face go from this smug grin to one of complete horror as Harris gains more traction than trump has in a while.

  4. And Kamala has had her best month ever (with the help of a complicit media), yet the polls show a dead heat.

    I can’t wait for the three televised Trump / Harris debates!!!!

  5. Trump has been doing the same campaign since he first ran for office: Everything is a disaster; everyone is stupid; only he can fix it. That’s why he didn’t win in 2020. That’s why he can’t win in 2024 now that Biden has stepped aside. He is a 1 note candidate that cannot discuss policy or ideas–he’s a car salesman whose patter has gotten old. This won’t change.

  6. I kind of hope the result of this will be republicans realizing they need to regain control of the party. And we all need for this to happen, including dems and people on the left. Like it or not, you can’t have a functional government with only two parties where one of the parties is trying to overthrow the government. We NEED for republicans to return to a legal, constitutional party, and not the party of Trump and fascism and “alternative slates” of electors and “perfect phone calls”.

    I hope if Trump shits himself hard enough, the republicans will find the spine required to kick his ass to the curb and make an actual party.

  7. Tell me about that suit in the thumbnail.

    Because it sure looks to me like he got some bodily fluid on it and someone who didn’t know better put a bleach-based cleaner on a rag and rubbed it.

    Billionaire can’t afford a valet anymore.

  8. Do you think they are smart enough to panic? I’m picturing it more like they are patting each other on the back about how great they are, and how bad jd is and how weird he is.

  9. I have nothing gor disdain for all Republicans that went along with his nonsense. A bunch of cowards.

  10. I sometimes wonder if we are in our own information bubble….

    I talked to a guy the other day who was without any doubt that Trump will be elected. He figured the assassination attempt solidified it. Clearly, he’s getting different information.

  11. Wow do you guys drink the koolaid – even your coveted cnn says trump is doing better than polls say

  12. It is fucking wild that he was shot at and it’s not even amongst the top 10 worst things that happened to him this summer.

  13. I kept waiting that first week for something to land. Then week two went by, nothing. Then week three, nothing. It’s Thursday on Week Four. 

    It’s Thursday on Week Four, and nothing has significantly shifted Trump’s failed messaging.

    Further, the mouthpieces are starting to really seem nervous. The checks no longer seem to be going out. A lot of egomaniacs are going to find out they gambled on another egomaniac, and egomaniacs don’t go back and massage the message. The message shifts to who is to blame, while they look for a new egomaniac to lead them. 

    But all the egomaniacs in this case are intrinsically baked into Trumpism. There’s none of them to allow an off-ramp. It was always Trump’s plan to isolate, humiliate and minimize anybody who didn’t tow his line, and now the ones who somehow made it through “The Apprentice” will be doing a lot to tell us they were never a contestant. 

  14. He’s practically crying for Biden to come back, he misses his BiBi poor overgrown orange baby

  15. Let’s make sure Trump & Vance have worst month consecutively until the election and its aftermath.

  16. People here in the UK cannot believe that so many Americans would vote for Trump. and god knows we’ve had some awful politicians and prime ministers here But Trump is on a different scale !

  17. Isn’t it every week or month that we hear that Trump just had the worst week or month ever? at least once a month, sometimes in the same week and occasionally twice in the same day. That’s a lot of really bad times because they all have to be worse each time to be the worst.

    We do not need these people running our Govt. We do not need constant “worst week” build up from Trumpers. Please vote blue (Democrat). Red (Republican) is currently in a death spiral and desperate which means that there will be a lot of Republican shenanigans.

  18. I saw the Maddow wrap up- he’s telling people they don’t need to vote, he doesn’t need their vote – because he has so many election deniers in key positions to stop this election from getting certified if he doesn’t like the result. So it’s hard to be confident

  19. Harris is getting called out for hiding from the media. I don’t see trump doing that. How do you campaign on running the country in to the ground the last 4 years ?

  20. Do you think he actually believes that he’s winning? Or does he just ramble on trying to convince himself along with everyone else

  21. I didn’t know that random polls had the ability to prevent the cheating everyone expects the right-wingers to attempt…

    Polls kinda seems like bullshit we don’t need to be concerning ourselves with so much as actually fucking voting does.

    Just saying

  22. **And cue the classic Trump move and cinematically FIRE the campaign manager, post about it in all caps on your own social media network, and replace the position with someone related to him who does an even worse job.**

  23. I’m all for Trump being relegated to nothingness, but let’s not get cocky. All it takes is one stupid mistake by the democrats, and poof Trumps back in.

    Who can take this fool seriously!!!!

    He’s ruining the country and his depressing demeanor

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