Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. And Trump obviously can’t trust either.

Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. And Trump obviously can’t trust either.

Posted by susierabbit

  1. I know America only talks about gun violence when there’s a mass shooting, but the most common way to die by gunshot is suicide. The leading causes of gun homicide are domestic incidents, incidental to another crime (i.e., robbery gone bad), or gang violence.

    There is no standard definition of a mass shooting, but the best statistics indicate mass shootings are perhaps 1% of gun deaths, and police shootings about 4%.

    But, yeah, these people are hypocrites.

  2. If you pay attention to MAGATs, even they were all confused and concerned that several weeks ago in an open carry state a young white Republican without a police record was able to openly carry a rifle outside of an event Trump was at.

    Then a day or so later in another open carry state where the RNC convention was held, police stated that people would be allowed to exercise their second amendment freedoms in the streets and free speech zones outside of the convention.

    So even MAGATs don’t like this open carry bullshit.

  3. Right? You’d think the whole “the more guns, the more protection” people would happily be ok with any and all weapons packed into a room. Show us how safe it is. We’ll wait. 

  4. There is no money in not selling guns. Can we call these pos out for what they are? They are people who would let children be massacred, for money. They are people who would let people die because insulin is expensive, for money. They are people who get America addicted to opioids and destroy their lives, for money. They are people who would make old people divorce and people die from not getting treatment because of medical expenses, for money. They would sell out their own flesh and blood.

  5. But according to 1/6 Select Committee Testimony, he knew his cult was armed and demanded that the metal detectors be disarmed because they weren’t after him. Ain’t this a b*tch! This dangerous criminal is on a ballot.

  6. Well gosh dangit, how ever will they make sure that there are enough good guys with guns at the event to be heroes and save the day in case there’s a bad guy with a gun? /s

  7. I don’t want to point out the obvious, but I’m pretty sure that would be the case for any party hosted by a former president.

  8. More guns = more safety

    I can’t believe they want everyone at their even to be so unsafe.

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