Kolkata Doctor Case: 150 mg Semen Found In Victim’s Body? Chilling ‘Gangrape’ Claim By Parents

Context: On August 9, after a 36 hour shift a 31 year old resident from Kolkata was gang raped and murdered in a seminar room RG Kar Medical College. Authorities told her family it was suicide, but her autopsy revealed the awful truth.The details of this case is literally spine chilling. 250gm of vial of semen was obtained found from her body.

The authorities tried to declare this a suicide case but her father found her naked body with blood coming from her eyes, nose, mouth.GLASS PIECES were put into her eyes.Her legs were found AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HER BODY.This is not all but I can't explain more.

A lot of Indian men on X are making this a men vs women issue .Even here they are not fighting for justice but defending themselves by saying "not all men",and bringing up some false rape cases and asking for gender neutral rape laws.

The state government is literally leaving no stones upturned to destroy evidence and bury this case.Irony is,the state is led by a women (the TMC leader) and it is alleged that some of the culprits are backed by TMC and hence they have literally destroyed the chest department where this happened. . They have made someone unknown as the culpritvto take the balme while the major culprits are still roaming around freely.They are attacking everyone who is protesting. Peaceful protests have been attacked by TMC mobs. Internet services are being made to shut down in the city.And the central government is not intervening bcs it is scared of being called up a dictator.

You can find all the details and updates on r/indianmedschool or r/kolkata.There are actual videos of them attacking protesters,vandalizing the hospital,etc.We are fu*ked up beyond measures.This is a call for help.At this point we need international support and help. Pls let this news reach international medias and channels and journalists.


Posted by glacieonn

  1. Every time one of these types of stories from India comes about, you get tons of accounts screaming in to do major whataboutism and compare to western countries, etc. Before these accounts come in, can we shut them down and say how fucking atrocious this is and how out of band the amount of these stories coming out of India is? Something is not right, and it needs to be fixed, so that the wonderful people in India can stop being attributed to these horrific events. I can’t even imagine what the family is going through right now, and I hope the rapists can get the justice they deserve.

  2. What they’ve done to her is absolutely inhuman, this is not even psychopathy it’s just straight up evil. It’s sad to see the powers that be protecting the perpetrators, they deserve nothing less than living with consequences to their actions for the rest of their lives.

  3. The crazy thing is this case in not even just about rape. People with connections to the ruling party in the state were involved and theres a huge cover up going on. There was likely a bunch of illegal activities happening in that medical college and this woman was not toeing the line. There is a history of suspicious activity there. The brutal rape and muder as well as having a scapegoat were probably planned meticulously . ( I’m from Kolkata) Doesn’t detract from the horrible culture we have here where so many don’t see women as humans deserving of respect. Theres been so many other rape cases across the country in just the last two days. So many honour killings done by all religions all the time. Forget about the fact that most rape or molestation will be done by someone the victim knows like a family, friend or partner and those cases are much less likely to be reported.

  4. At this point it’s cultural and it’s absolutely disgusting. The authorities are massively protecting such atrocities and then wonder why they have such an horrible image worldwide.

    It’s a nightmare for the victim, everything sounds horrible, assassinated twice by every single one of the perpetrator and whoever is defending them is a direct accomplice and a monster on top of that.

    Glad there’s at least a sane minoroty protesting in an attempt to change stuff, but there will be a looong way and that’s terrific.

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