NYC Nanny Just Revealed Some Very Shocking and Disturbing Information About Barron Trump

NYC Nanny Just Revealed Some Very Shocking and Disturbing Information About Barron Trump

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. I was totally skeptical…but then the nanny posted a photo of himself WITH Barron. So if he had access to Barron, surely he had access to information about Barron. You just know all those nannies to billionaire kids talked and spilled all the tea to each other.

    But the part about killing animals? That’s usually not a good sign. Like, this is “The Good Son” irl.

    Sorry, I have always felt there was something off about this kid. And the part about him being nearly mute? Remember Rosie O’Donnell suggested he could be autistic and then Melania has a hissy fit and Rosie took it back. But this dude says he was just super medicated for behavior issues?

    They do say there are often issues with kids born of dinosaur dads…and Trump was 60 when he had Barron. From The Guardian…”Babies born to fathers aged over 50 face an up to fivefold **increased risk of schizophrenia**. Obsessive compulsive disorder, ADHD, bipolar disorder – all are more likely, research indicates, if the father is older.”


  2. Why would the son of a compulsive liar, cult leader, and caricature of the seven deadly sins, have issues?

  3. I mean considering the gene pool he was dealt is there any surprise he is a psychopath?

  4. Has he watched American Psycho too many times? Pretending he’s “Master Batemen?” See what I did there?

  5. He’s a Trump who lived through the worst years of Daffy J. Of course he’s going to be a serial killer.

  6. Pretty much all the early hallmarks of a serial killer in the making. Killing animals is a massive red flag

  7. Now watch the Trump Family cultists start saying that killing puppies is so cool and a sign of great leadership potential.

  8. He’s not involved in politics so I don’t care and it’s none of my business.

  9. I dislike Trump, but this story has yet to be corroborated, and I feel that a young adult like that deserves some privacy of their young life.

    Inalso.wprey that this is a purposeful distraction.

  10. Of course he killed innocent animals and stabbed classmates. He’s a Trump. We had high hopes. 🤷

  11. Oh so now when talking about the vile scum that is the family I don’t need to give him the benifit of the doubt. Absolute shit bag and I hope this whole family end and disappear.

    Wonder if Putin wants to tie up loose ends?
    Seems to be nothing redeemable about them

  12. He looks like some shit out of The Omen. I don’t believe in the Antichrist or you know, God, but why is it the most religious among us seem totally fine with voting for a guy who seems like some shit warned about in revelations?

  13. Sounds like Barron is growing up to be just as big a piece of shit as his old man. Lock Donald up, and maybe, maybe Barron can learn a valuable lesson before it’s too late. Otherwise, it’s Trump: the next generation.

  14. His dad is a POS and deserves no sympathy but he’s a kid and has no role in is dad’s campaign. I don’t think it’s fair to go after him. We should be better than them.

  15. I don’t know about all that… but given his father’s personality, I wouldn’t be surprised is the poor kid was completely fucked up.

  16. I’m still taking this with a grain of salt, but I’m really disappointed to hear Barron didn’t break himself away from the soullessness that is the Trump family.

  17. Lol sounds like the kindergartner i worked with last year. Idk how legit this Mr Weeks guy is, but i can tell you killing little animals, spitting and hitting other students/staff is very common amongst troubled, aggressive, and likely autistic children. Mix that with his dad being notoriously hated for being a piece of actual human shit where all his vices are published on public media makes it all more believable. Kid is fucked

  18. So Barron is a little fucking psycho. Color me shocked. That entire family is complete garbage

  19. wow that website is cancer

    also the autistic thing is just gross. being autistic doesn’t excuse behaving like a little psychopath

  20. Not shocked whatsoever, there will be a true crime documentary about him on Netflix within 10 years

  21. He was probably never disciplined and was accustomed to being overindulged and pampered by his mother. On top of that, his father is a cruel and petty man. Did he inherit dark personality traits from his father? Kindness and empathy was probably discouraged. He had no good role models, no consequences for poor behavior. The making of a narcissist

  22. Killing animals is an early sign of a murderer. There may be MAGA leadership potential in this kid yet.

  23. Why is Trump’s kid suddenly fair game to go after?

    Trump has enough bad talking points. Leave his kid alone.

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