Donald Trump says teachers and military personnel don’t have ‘real jobs’

Donald Trump says teachers and military personnel don’t have ‘real jobs’

Posted by newzee1

  1. Meanwhile Kamala has a teacher give personal insight at a rally in… Arizona? Might have been the Pennsylvania one. Either way

  2. That is so freaking weird coming from this fat lazy fuk who just burns his dad’s inheritance millions and the money of suckers who donate to the poor little rich asshole.

    This clueless old criminal has no idea what a real job is. I cannot wait until November when Kamala humiliates him with the biggest ass-whooping he ever had.

  3. This piece of rich white trash, wouldn’t last 3 days in either the military or teaching school. He has no standing to comment on either of them . And only fools follow him .

  4. “Neither [Kamala Harris] nor her running mate… have held a private sector job in their entire professional careers, and it’s no wonder they’re both socialists,” declared Trump during the event.”

    That’s the quote

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