Is Trump starting to campaign for Harris?

Is Trump starting to campaign for Harris?

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. I think he honestly believes that the wealthy corporations are the majority.

    It’s like he’s directing his messages to them instead of the working class.

  2. Only Trump policies I know are less taxes for hos rich wanna be friends, and no taxes on tips, and you and me both know if he wins, he won’t go through with the no tips tax anyways

  3. You don’t get it. The MAGA nuts don’t want Healthcare for everyone. Just *the right sort of people*.

  4. Maybe angling for a pardon? The only thing he really needs the presidency for is stealing taxpayer money and avoiding legal consequences for his many, many crimes.

  5. Trump’s audience thinks those are bad things. “No price gouging? Won’t someone thinkof the billionaires?”

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