Trump says presidential civilian award is ‘better’ than top military honor whose recipients are ‘dead’ or ‘hit’ by bullets

Trump says presidential civilian award is ‘better’ than top military honor whose recipients are ‘dead’ or ‘hit’ by bullets

Posted by stayfun

  1. deceased heroes rolling in their graves again

    don’t see how any US service personnel can vote for this guy and look themselves in the mirror

  2. First being felon old pedo weirdo trump, then successfully fk it up with half the population aka women aka abortion control birth control thing, then continue to fk it up with all poc , only to now close the whole thing with fk it up with people who like the military, which are a lot I think.

    I must say never heard a better plan to win an election.
    I can already hear the “election was rigged cuz everybody many people many many smart people voted for him he actually couldn’t lose if it were not rigged” calls from him

  3. His voters don’t care, most of them because they’re anti-social weirdos who deep down feel the same way as Donald. 

  4. Dude seriously thinks he matrix-dodged that bullet instead of just taking shrapnel from a teleprompter.

  5. And the majority of veterans will still vote for this waste of life. It’s really scary to watch people vote against themselves just to own their neighbors. Fucking weird!!

  6. As the proudest a son could’ve possibly been for my Vietnam veteran Dad, FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF YOU DRAFT DODGING PIECE OF SHIT! And, since the Premier League is back this weekend, here’s another insult brought to you by the folks across the pond: TRUMP is a weird, little muppet.

  7. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, and Anthony Fauci have all been recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  8. Trump is overwhelmingly popular in the military, and it’s absolutely mind boggling.

    Misinformation, under education, and bandwagon demonization completely dictate American voting now. Somethings gotta give.

  9. But ya know, cue the cultists and Republican bootlickers about how the GQP is all about military and veterans. When in fact they’re all about the Military Arms Manufacture Industry and wouldn’t piss on a veteran if they were on fire

  10. The most obvious difference is someone can’t buy the Congressional Medal of Honour unlike a Presidential Medal of Freedom under Trump’s watch.

  11. He is a psychopathic narcissist, and as such, his statement is not about Medal of Freedom recipients at all, he is actually comparing himself to Medal of Honor recipients.

    What Trump is really saying is that he is better than any Medal of Honor recipient, and once again is calling the dead or injured folks that served our country “losers”.

    Let’s never again elect such a psychologically sick and frail person, like Trump, into the WH.

  12. Because giving him money is obviously a greater thing than *actually* taking a bullet (or worse) for your country. 

    He’s never actually taken a bullet for his country, so he has no point of reference, but he has recieved donations, and larger ones make him happy, and the best thing someone can do in the convicted felon’s eyes is make him happy. 

  13. He just continues to alienate segment after segment of the voting population. Women, black Americans, POWs, military veterans and their families, current military and their leadership, Jewish Americans, Americans of Latin descent, senior citizens, Asian Americans, the working class, unions, transgender Americans, gay Americans. The list goes on.

    Rich white Americans are all he cares about.

  14. If this guy gets elected,it’s rigged.bought n paid for. I suspect he’s in the Russian mob and has strong armed or blackmailed everybody.its the only explanation

  15. With each absurd declaration this anal cancer utters, anyone who still votes for him in November are too far gone and must be isolated from the general public.

  16. How any service member can support this clown is beyond me. As if trump has ever done anything to make their lives better in any way and as if their lives were so terrible during Obamas terms.. it makes no sense.

  17. There’s a reason why even the President salutes medal of honor recipients. It’s the highest possible honor our country can give.

  18. Fuck those 23 Hospital Corpsmen who received Medal of Honors, right? Trump is despicable. I don’t understand how service members or veterans could ever support him after the absolute disrespect this draft dodger has shown.

  19. Of course he is going to denigrate any award that he never had the balls to even try to attain. The man is a coward and has never put his ass on the line for anything. Somebody who has raised their right hand in an enlistment station to swear their fidelity to this great nation and has served this country is a better person than this piece of shit will ever be. The Presidential Medal of Freedom has been cheapened by his handing them out like participation trophies to sycophants that have adored him. Vote blue up and down the ballot. Let’s end this maga bullshit now and move forward with this country.

  20. Why did that disgusting Rapepublican get the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Is it really because she a child rapist supporting Rapepublican?

  21. Any veteran supporting this fat stoopid pile of shit is a ***disgrace to their uniform & service!***

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