Trump never passed a border bill

Trump never passed a border bill

Posted by dgdio

  1. That way republicans have something to complain about…

    Plus none of the conservative propaganda news outlets covered these facts..

  2. I like to point out that our border is actually doing well under Biden, by the GOP’s own metrics. [Record expulsions and encarcerations at the border,]( an [increase in deportations and returns from within the country](, as well as [harsher penalties for illegaly crossing](, and Biden has statistically done better than most Presidents in decades, even Trump.

    Republicans don’t really like these statistics, though. Shame they never really say why.

  3. For those unfamiliar with narcissism, one of their classic tactics is to create a problem, and then blame others for it. Step Two is to swoop back in with a grand “solution”.

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