JD Vance called childless people ‘sociopathic and deranged’ in unearthed comments

JD Vance called childless people ‘sociopathic and deranged’ in unearthed comments


Posted by TheExpressUS

  1. Tell that to your kids and to your younger self, as well as to people who get to make their own decisions in life. MYODB!

  2. The interesting thing about these comments is that Republicans (especially online) have are large incel base. To some extent the incels are gluttons for punishment and cowards, but even they have their limits. The statements of Vance are targeted directly at them!

  3. *“He likes family. I think a lot of people like family. And sometimes it doesn’t work out,” Trump said in one interview. “But you’re just as good, in many cases a lot better than a person that’s in a family situation.”*

    — He was **so close!**

  4. Was this guy not vetted at all? I’m glad he’s offending lots of groups of people/voters, but did no one check him out before making him VP?

  5. Right and screwing a couch is normal. What ever weirdo. Your probably talking about 50% of TRAITOR TRUMPS CULT FOLLOWERS

  6. It’s so obvious that his end goal is just more wage slaves for the corporations in his ear whispering “we need more bodies”.

  7. Well, there will be a lot of childless couples when the kids start dying of polio and TB so the schools don’t lose funding

  8. Congratulating yourself on putting a baby into the second woman ever to agree to sleep with you is not the beefiest flex.

  9. The more I hear him talk about how noble it is to have children and how selfish it is to not have them, the more I’m convinced that he’s deeply closeted gay man. I think this is his way of justifying his life choices and denying the person he really wants to be.

  10. Why is he obsessed with forcing everyone to have kids? He has serious issues.

  11. You know what’s weird and deranged? Gay men who get married to women and have children and then campaign against gay rights and pretend to be straight- that’s weird isn’t it JD? Or whatever your name is this time.

  12. This guy is projecting his childhood trauma onto the world. He is obsessed with “family.”

  13. Bro had a shitty mom, and a shitty grandma, and obvi probably has unresolved trauma. Stfu and let people do what they want JD.

  14. Is this guys whole personality being a father? And if so, I wonder if he’s actually packing the kids lunches and taking them to school and practice and hanging out with them all day? Because I think the world would be a better place if he focused on that tbh

  15. What about people who can’t have children? What about people who foster children? What about people who volunteer for Big brothers and sisters or other places? There are also many other scenarios where people don’t want children… mental illness, childhood trauma. Vance needs to educate himself before opening up his mouth.

  16. Stfu Jesus Christ. We’ve only known this guys for a few weeks, can u imagine how fucking annoying he’ll be after 4 years?

  17. Remember kids.

    Helping raise Grandkids is the purpose of postmenopausal females
    -JD Vance

    He thinks women past 50 have no value other than unpaid babysitters.

  18. I am at a point that JD thinks kids is a way of saying “I did the sex…with a woman. Three times!”

  19. I agree the guy is deeply wrong and deeply weird, but I don’t like all the comments calling him a closeted gay man. That feels weird to me

    Personally I see it too often that a man does something bad, particularly bad towards women, and the first reaction of a lot of people is that the man must secretly be gay and that’s why he has bad opinions about things relating to women

    I see things all the time from weird political views that end up hurting women to little day to day things like “this man treats women like shit” and so many people just chop it up to “well he must secretly be a closeted gay man”

    It feels very strange and icky, as a gay man, to see straight people blaming the bad deeds of ostensibly straight people on those people being secretly gay, and that their secret gayness is the reason why they commit these bad actions. It’s blaming homosexuality for men’s bad behavior instead of acknowledging that plenty of men do bad things because they’re just bad people, not because their secret gayness makes them bad

  20. I’m convinced he actually hates being a parent. He feels bad that he hates his kids so much that he rationalizes that being a parent has to be better than the alternative.

    Deep down he knows he never wanted to be a father. But he is now stuck in his life as a parent and so to make himself feel better about his life choices he needs to believe the alternative is the worst possible life imaginable.

  21. Watch me as my childless deranged ass bakes a cake! Truly I must be a sociopath?

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