Voting against their own interests to own the libs

Voting against their own interests to own the libs

Posted by political_memer

  1. How though. What law or how would you phrase a law that would prevent a company from charging too much and creating profit?

  2. I like the argument “This is going to ruin grocery stores with already tight margins”

    Because if you’re price gouging, your margins are tight… as if those things can both be true at once… as if those very same “tight margins” wouldn’t result in prices decreasing if said producers were slapped for price gouging…

  3. “Prices are too high”

    Ok, let’s force companies to lower them

    “But those company have MINOR PROFIT MARGINS!!!”

    But, prices were too high a second ago?

    Major companies are the the biggest problem of high prices and also struggling to stay afloat, so we can’t do anything to stop them, but also we HAVE to stop it.

  4. So clearly we must pay significantly more for our food, gas, and electronics than all other wealthy nations right.

  5. I seriously think anyone who votes for Trump should not be allowed to benefit from anything a Harris administration would enact or sign.

    Make them carry around a special ID stating their voting for Trump that would have to be checked concerning grocery prices, tax credits, healthcare, etc.

    Let them suffer.

  6. “The only thing I find more offensive is for a candidate to offer affordable care for my injuries and illnesses.”

  7. They are slaves to their dogma. Even when the ill effects of their policies are meted out upon them, they will stick to dogma. Every once in a while they will squeak out a tiny bit of common sense, but then snap right back into dogma mode.

    After a family member commits suicide, they’ll say “The parents should be held liable for keeping a loaded gun around a disturbed individual!” And then snap right back into “No, the gun didn’t kill him. He killed himself.”

    After their school cuts hours and classes they say “They need to fully fund our schools to give our kids a chance at a decent future!” Then they’ll snap back to “The government wastes too much money on teacher and administrator salaries!”

    After their local industry shuts down they say “They shipped all our jobs to China! We need help!” And then snap right back to “Capitalism is the best system in the world!”

  8. “But if we let democrats fix things, we can’t complain about being unable to afford groceries or the border!”

  9. Fox News tonight: “I love paying more at the store. That means supply and demand is working!”

    I hope they make so many pretzels out of themselves that the moderates of the country roll their eyes and vote for Harris for at least not engaging in ridiculous double-speak.

  10. Trump’s solution: Increase the price gouging to keep his constituents locked into the fourth panel irrational scowl. Trump can sell anything to those people.

  11. ###### Hell yeah, let’s take back all dem Wojack and Pepe Frogs memes back from the far right, lesgo

  12. If you’re not hurting what they perceive to be the cause, it’s just liberal communism. They don’t connect dots well.

  13. These are the kind of people who would get road rage with their kids in the backseat, ignoring their safety, just to one-up the other driver.

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