Increasingly Flustered, Trump’s Desperation Peaks as He Fails to Dampen Kamala Harris’s Rising Popularity

Increasingly Flustered, Trump’s Desperation Peaks as He Fails to Dampen Kamala Harris’s Rising Popularity

Increasingly Flustered, Trump’s Desperation Peaks as He Fails to Dampen Kamala Harris’s Rising Popularity

Posted by newsjam

  1. I hope he keeps opening his mouth. Every time he name calls her, her rating goes up.

  2. People are burnt out from the Maga nonsense. It’s not new and shiny anymore. The shock value is gone. They have Harris/Walz as younger, energetic, hopeful contrasts to Maga’s constant negativity and ugliness. It’s not surprising he hasn’t been able to dent them

  3. im not sure he’s failed, her polling numbers have been a little stale the last few days

  4. It’s called – “We the people are sick and tired of the orange wackadoodle weird nutjob”

  5. His campaign is being a dicktator, loves Putin, salutes North Korea military. Who can’t see, this guy is so fucked. Millionaires and billionaires are the only people to prosper, if this pumpkin gets in.
    American oligarchs

  6. So the last brave soul who responded to my serious question went on to accuse me of being a Russian bot. I am a nonpartisan individual who has a serious question to satiate my curiosity.

    I have read a lot of these headlines and then followed the link to the stories only to find that they don’t really say the same thing, so my question is how many people actually follow the link, rather than just responding to the headlines?

    I am actually curious on this one because all the responses I see seem to be to the headline and not the stories.

  7. He could have been chillin’ with Epstein, backstage at teen pageants, but he had to run for president

  8. There is only so much negativity and fear mongering that people can take, when someone comes along that is positive offers hope and is immune to the bully boy tactics used by opponents people will flock on mass to them. Unfortunately for the orange Rapist he doesn’t know how to relate to normal people who let alone be positive

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