Yeah, Donald is definitely trying to get rid of him.

Yeah, Donald is definitely trying to get rid of him.

Posted by cephalopodomus

  1. If that’s true, Vance has nothing to worry about because everything tRump does is fucked up!

  2. can´t wait to hear what all the black dudes in the plane told vance about how bad kamabla is!

    wait, what i´m saying? no way vance flies with black dudes!

  3. Pilot thought there was a burning smell in the cockpit but just turned out to be friction burn from JD getting his cushion pushin’. 😆

  4. It’s because of his approval rating. I made a list of things that have a higher approval rating than JD Vance. Anyone can feel free to add to the list:

    Tim Walz

    Kamala Harris

    Canned Beets

    Brussel Sprouts

    White guy tacos


    Wasps (both the insect and white anglo-saxon protestants)

    Pimples on your butt


  5. We have a lot of Amish made furniture here, the virgin couches must be too much for him to resist

  6. Did he break into the pilots cabin to hump the pilot seat again? Someone really needs to carry a spray bottle around him.

  7. The only plane maintenance program worse than Alaska is Trump.. 100% of his planes have issues

  8. LOL how fucked up would it be if Trump was trying to off JD Vance AND Epstein’s Jet at the same time?

  9. Dems should want Vance, hes been acting like a double agent with how horrible he’s been

  10. Of course they dont put Vance’s name next to trump as the same size, nope make it below and smaller

  11. I swear all these random hackings and emergency landings… they’re trying to milk out these stories where they’re in danger when in fact the only thing that is danger isn’t their lives but rather their campaign chances at victory

  12. Remember the Hillary kill count ?

    Where is the trump kill count

    Trump’s ex wife….mysteriously dies with blunt force trauma

    Jeffrey Epstein…”suicide” in prison

    Alex Oronov…Russian businessman who has ties to both Putin and trump mysteriously dies

  13. This is their second emergency landing in a month. Either they are not maintaining their aircraft, or it was not an emergency landing. Are they “emergency” landing to get out of paying hanger/airport fees?

    Do they have unpaid fees and avoiding specific airports?

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