‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza

‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza

‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza

Posted by vreweensy

  1. When you rewind and see the formation of mega(study) group in the early 80’s and how Bronfman went to Russia to put most of the kleptocracy parts into play even before the Soviet Union broke down it restarts the timeline back almost a decade.



    Then you start seeing Trumps attorney Roy Cohn who introduced Rupert Murdoch to Reagan just to play him like a fiddle as he devolved into dementia and get his fairness doctrine workaround for Fox “ENTERTAINMENT” News despite not being a U.S. citizen.


    And how a sunset clause on octogenarian politicians and an accurate tracing of greed would have stopped 80% of this.

    But by default it also shows just how ruthlessly vigilant the Russian oligarchs were at executing their bigger play against the U.S. democracy even while the USSR was coming apart at the seams.

    The Israel relationship, AIPAC capex, and Jeffrey Epsteins mega group intel work all went both ways with Israel and the Russian oligarchs that often had both passports.

    And considering what a sensitive subject the red army failing in Afghanistan was to the Russians (Charlie Wilson’s war) you start to see Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan as different moving fronts of the same war between the 1st and 2nd world at the expense of the 3rd, drawn out over the 20th century.

    By extension Gaddafi/Libya, Saddam/Iraq, and Assad/Syria all fall into the same basic methodology.


    They all received Russian weapons and support through it all which was essentially just draining the US who tried to go in and John Wayne/ world police the humanitarian crisis’ and/or perpetuate the USD as the worlds reserve currency. (See also Putins use of Wagner mercenaries in North Africa, the CCP using Belt&Road as espionage colonialism, trumps abandonment of the Kurdish allies, and Russian support of Abu Sayyaf in Mindanao Philippines.


    Then overlap the evolutionary recurring grifts trump and Epstein enabled including but not limited to, 9/11 and 2008, to the same effective goal of destroying and consuming democracies economy.

    As long as you don’t care about a little casual genocide to pump a war/ kleptocracy play and drain the American treasury it’s just another Tuesday for the oligarchy.

    They just needed Netanyahu in power in Israel to play the in-between and push the AIPAC agenda through the backdoor while pushing the religious wars up front.

    Israel and Saudi just drained some more U.S. assets off on the way past.

    You can even backtrack that objectively through aeronautic espionage of the F-35 jet developments and how they moved through Israel and on to Russia and their ally Chinas respective jet development programs as a backup to your dataset.

    You can fake a lot of things. But you can’t fake good engineering.

    Transparent democracy was always bound to turn into a binary fight against authoritarian kleptocracy.

    Freedom of speech is a direct threat to the established and very lucrative business model of aristocratic authoritarian kleptocrats.

    Eisenhower identified it and warned about it in his final speech a few years before John Kennedy was killed over it.

    In World War Two, even before the lend lease program solidified the corrupt relationships between the military industrialists, soviet era oil oligarchs and and their U.S. oil oligarchs created relationships based on the common denominator of greed and control, because Fred Koch was a psychopath. Anyone who can build gas refineries for the Nazis and Stalin would, deductively, have to lack empathy, knowing full well that they put the love of money over human lives consistently.

    That, in correlation with the American central bankers like JP Morgan all effectively hobbled Nikola Teslas work on free, unlimited, decentralized energy, because they knew that whomever controlled fossil fuels would control the 20th century and become billionaires in the process

    It just took 80 more years for the proliferation of that petro mob into the two respective 1st and 2nd world goverments to complete the horseshoe theory.

    Rex Tillerson

    In 1998, he became a vice president of Exxon Ventures (CIS) and president of Exxon Neftegas Limited with responsibility for Exxon’s holdings in Russia and the Caspian Sea. He then entered Exxon into the Sakhalin-I consortium with Rosneft.[18][29]
    In 1999, with the merger of Exxon and Mobil, he was named executive vice president of ExxonMobil Development Company. In 2004, he became president and director of ExxonMobil.[30] Upon this appointment Tillerson’s replacement of Lee Raymond as CEO of Exxon Mobil was implied.[31] His major competitor was Ed Galante, another Exxon executive.[32] On January 1, 2006, Tillerson was elected chairman and CEO, following the retirement of Lee Raymond.[4] At the time, ExxonMobil had 80,000 employees, did business in nearly 200 countries, and had an annual revenue of nearly $400 billion.[18]
    Under Tillerson’s leadership, ExxonMobil cooperated closely with Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter and a longtime U.S. ally, as well as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.[33] From 2003 to 2005, a European subsidiary of ExxonMobil, Infineum, operated in the Middle East providing sales to Iran, Sudan and Syria. ExxonMobil leaders said they followed all legal frameworks, and that such sales were minuscule compared to their annual revenue of $371 billion at the time.[34] In 2009, ExxonMobil acquired XTO Energy, a major natural gas producer, for $31 billion in stock. Michael Corkery of The Wall Street Journal wrote that “Tillerson’s legacy rides on the XTO deal.”[35] Tillerson approved Exxon negotiating a multibillion-dollar deal with the government of Iraqi Kurdistan, despite opposition from President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, both of whom argued it would increase regional instability.[18]
    Tillerson lobbied against Rule 1504 of the Dodd–Frank reform and protections, which would have required Exxon to disclose payments to foreign governments.[18] In 2017, Congress voted to overturn Rule 1504 one hour before Tillerson was confirmed as Secretary of State.[18]

    “Drill baby drill” is simply the death rattle of the worlds worst psychopaths watching their very lucrative business model slip away as the laws of physics demand balance to correct the destabilization they created by lying to cover their corruption.

  2. Ha! Learned that during my english course in college.

    We called it Bias Words.

    From left/negative to right/positive:

    >stink – stench – [odor – smell – scent] – aroma – fragrance

    The middle 3 (contained in the brackets) can be positive or negative depending on adjectives or adverbs but on their own, both the words ‘odor’ and ‘scent’ have their own leanings, which influences the judgment of the reader/listener.

  3. Whatever conclusions you draw from the language used by the NYTimes, it’s all perfectly reasonable. Debates over usage take into context the backdrop, plausible deniability, and a sprinkle of spin. This is all debated within editorial rooms.

    The Palestinian news organization will lean pro-Palestinian, the UK news organization will lean pro-UK, the NYTimes will lean pro-US.

    The difference is self-criticism. Has mondoweiss dot net ever issued a retraction? NYTimes has.

    Has NYTimes been critical of the US? Absolutely

    Has the NYTimes made mistakes? Yep.

    That is what makes them one of the best news sources in the U.S.

    They are undeserving of criticism from Pro-Palestinians and Pro-Israelis.

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