They’re scared

They’re scared

Posted by 7dayweekendgirl

  1. The Cheater’s Playbook:

    – [Lose an election]

    – “The other guys must have cheated.”

    – [Find no evidence of cheating [Bonus: Only provable cheating was actually by your side- ignore it]]

    – “But they wouldn’t have won otherwise. So that’s proof.”

    – [Openly cheat next time]

    – “bUt ThEy DiD It FiRsT!”

  2. Okay, just for context, I have sent this same sign on the days where the GOP have a primary, but the Democrats have their primary later, or different polling stations. Usually in years where there is only a city, county election going on.

    So people in Georgia should still vote in this next one.

  3. Reminds me of USSR, where only Communist party members were allowed to vote. Also there was only 1 candidate on the ballot 🤣

  4. Some states have made it a felony for a registered democrat to vote in Republican primaries. Pretty fucking crazy that’s legal.

  5. They also vote on November 6th. Dems vote on November 5th. It’s a new rule to prevent illegal voting. I saw it on the internet

  6. Why even bother to vote – oh wait so that’s what he meant when he said “Vote for me and you won’t have to vote again.”

  7. Next sign;

    **Only ‘straight*’ white males are allowed to rape women.**

    *Straight in the sense that you continue to live as a closeted homosexual while punishing others who are open with their sexuality*

  8. That sign can’t be legal at a voting place. If it’s not at a voting place someone needs to write something over it in black sharpie lol

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