Trump’s ‘doddering old man’ attacks casting cloud over his re-election hopes: report

Trump’s ‘doddering old man’ attacks casting cloud over his re-election hopes: report

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. From mocking Biden for being a doddering old man to now being labeled as one. Oh how the tables have turned

  2. >“You already thematically want to go to the future, but now you’re able to also point to a very real thing, which is how much confidence do you have in this guy’s mental acuity, energy, overall health?” Paul Maslin suggested. **“Yeah, he can still play a decent game of golf. Okay, we’ll give him that. Is that enough?”**

    Does he? Doesn’t he cheat?

  3. ‘Doddering’ implies mostly harmless and maybe even a bit humorous at times. He’s not a dottering old man. He’s a batshit crazy old man.

    With ugly hair.

  4. Don’t worry a dump. Worry about his Joeseph Goebbels. Fucking Stephen Miller. A scary nazi

  5. Here’s the deal. He literally just covers the news with wall to wall shit in order to try and dominate news cycles and drown out opponents. All news is good news so anytime you see an insider saying he’s “losing it” or “ there must be something really bad happening in trump down because he is melting down on truth.”, it plays to his favor. The more we are talking about him the less we are talking about Kamala. I’ve been watching him for a decade and it’s still the same old play book. As long as news agencies are paid by clicks this will continue to happen

  6. Trump is beginning to remind me of Ted Kennedy during his final year with a brain tumor. Like he’s trying to form thoughts and express them verbally but the messages just aren’t traveling well between his brain and his mouth.

  7. His followers are very easy to fool. Someone out there is going to take advantage of them based on this.

  8. He was the younger of the two old candidates, so by comparison he looked like the more lively one. Now that he’s running against people 20 years younger, he looks every bit his age.

  9. One of the weirdest things is using the song my heart will go on !!!! We all know what happened to the Titanic 🤔😎🤣

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