‘Sir, You Need to Shut Up’: Republican Pollster Says Trump Needs to ‘Stop Behaving Like a Petulant Child’ And Become a Completely Different Person

‘Sir, You Need to Shut Up’: Republican Pollster Says Trump Needs to ‘Stop Behaving Like a Petulant Child’ And Become a Completely Different Person

‘Sir, You Need to Shut Up’: Republican Pollster Says Trump Needs to ‘Stop Behaving Like a Petulant Child’ And Become a Completely Different Person

Posted by inewser

  1. “Please stop eating my face.”

    ~ Guy who keeps voting for the leopards who promise to eat their face

  2. It’s suddenly not all fun and games when you can’t skate through an election by being a loud asshole.

  3. Unless Trump has a time machine to get an youth formula and years in psychiatry to deal with his narcissism…it is over for him. Too late to turn things around.

  4. Frank Luntz is a big Trump Fanboy. He was on CNN this morning making excuses for what Trump meant in his demeaning military comments concerning the Medal of Honor recipients. Trump must be breaking his heart, and I hope he’s even more heartbroken in November.

  5. The fact that the candidate is being told that his personality sucks would indicate that he shouldn’t be a candidate.

  6. He hasn’t been able to stop for 78 years, what makes them think he’ll be able to stop now?

  7. He hasn’t been able to stop for 78 years, what makes them think he’ll be able to stop now?

  8. he has been a petulant child, he has always been a petulant child, he will go to his deathbed in a few years acting like a petulant child

  9. He can’t do that, just like he cannot care about other people, relate to the experiences of other humans.

    He has spent his entire life being told he is better than everyone else and believing it. Others had consequences, expectations, and responsibilities, but he did not because he was special.

    He has no sympathy, no empathy, and no Humanity. He will not suddenly become a responsible adult. The best we can hope for is that he sees consequences for his crimes. Should this happen, it will be the FIRST time in his 78 years that he’s experienced it. He will not handle this very well.

  10. Change?? Dude, you knew he wasn’t gonna change!

    The gaslighting is off the God damn chain.

  11. It is nothing shy of a self parody for these people to beg Trump to be a different person. If Frank Luntz actually did follow data rather than data manipulation, he would know there is no evidence that Trump has ever changed. What does he hope to accomplish?

  12. Hahaha good luck with that dude. America to him is just a subsidiary to his “business empire” everyone is just a worker tool to him for his own financial gain and he will abuse anyone to get what he wants because that’s just how he does business.

  13. Lol Trump has had 78+ years to be a decent human being and overwhelmingly failed. But I’m sure he will completely change in 2 months 😂

    Fuck the GOP. They had every chance in the world to throw Trump and MAGA into the dumpster in 2021 and move on. Instead they let him stay in control of the party and they nominated him. Fuck ‘em all. Actions have consequences.

  14. Gotta love the argument that is essentially “the only thing holding him back from being the best candidate is being a totally different person!”

  15. Totally normal to think that a 78 y/o man who has not changed in the 8+ years he’s spent on political stage can become a different person. Wild stuff.

  16. If the solution to the Republican parties problem is for their candidate to be a completely different person, then you should probably rethink the person you nominated.

  17. He’s not hardwired that way. He’s in charge and listens to no one. From what I’ve read, Fred instilled those 1930-40’s slumlord traits into him. Then sprinkle in some Roy Cohn in and oops too much it’s alive! Now that he’s in his sunset years, enter Barron. And what’s starting to circulate he’s not a very nice guy either. Product of Boris and Natasha (Donny & Melania). The only saving grace of the other children was better structured parenting from Marla & Ivonna. Looking at this sample group, you definitely see who was raised and who was grown. In closing; By taking an aging, has been, failed game show host and elevating him to president of the United States was yet another failure to be added to his performance record.

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