Actors demand action over ‘disgusting’ video game sex scenes

Actors demand action over ‘disgusting’ video game sex scenes

Posted by BringbackDreamBars

  1. WTF is this article?

    >”There’s no nudity involved, but its still an act and there’s an intimacy in that act and also a violence in this situation,” she said.

    >”So yes there may be a layer of Lycra between us, but you are still there and still having to truly immerse yourself in this scene.”

    There was no sex or anything “explicit” involved. These are actors acting out a scene wearing full body motion capture suits. And voice actors recording in a studio.

    These supposed professionals are getting traumatised and triggered by a sex scene?


    >Sex scenes are common in modern games

    What games are these? Unless someone is playing a porn game, I don’t think sex is all that common in video games.

  2. Popular media has always featured dramatic events, and sexual assaults being a very common one that’s use to increase tension in the plot line.

    The issue here is these actors claimed that they are asked to do these scenes with little or no prior knowledge. Unlike movie actors who know before hand what they are expected to do before shooting.

    The solution is that new laws need to be passed to prevent producers being able to exploit their workers like this.

  3. I feel like without mentioning a studio or game, this is an inflammatory anti gaming piece once again. 

    Obviously not explaining to actors the uncomfortable or gross scene they are to be acting in is terrible and should be a breach of contract. These performers need to get a SAG type thing together. Likely that’s the story that should be covered but the emphasis of this article seems to be towards “games companies” in general, like sex scenes are that common in modern games.

    BG3 mentioned in the article itself but it ignored the media frenzy that popped up because of the game including explicit scenes (a non standard thing).

    My suspicion is that the actors in the article weren’t told or didn’t know what studio had hired them (ie an H-game studio or studio known for explicit content).

    That should be the issue. Studios not disclosing explicit material to their actors not “games studios are surprising actors”. They know no one would care about an article where they mention she was working for an explicit studio (or one known for it) and they simply lied or expected her to know by reputation (the real problem).

    Claiming sex scenes are very common now days (which isn’t true) combined with the content of the article, definitely feels like an attack on the games industry as a whole rather than against crappy practices by crappy studios. Also what’s fucking headline :/

  4. I remember when the news in this sub made sense, were somehow credible and not straight out propaganda. I don’t know who can read this and think that it makes sense. Not real reasoning, not specific cases, not a real example.

    This is just people complaining who know for what reason. If the case is real, it’s a serious deal, but the article just does not make any sense

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