Trump was triggered by this ad of himself so badly he instructed his lawyers to send a cease and desist letter to “The Lincoln Project”. Weird

Trump was triggered by this ad of himself so badly he instructed his lawyers to send a cease and desist letter to “The Lincoln Project”. Weird

Posted by 4wordSOUL

  1. I love these ads. Attack his narcissism. That’s a very good strategy actually. “Grab him by the narcissism! He’ll let you do it if you’re a star :-)”

  2. They have dropped some absolutely brutal ads on him. Look at this ad titled [Feeble](

    Woman’s voice: “You’re winning the primary, but losing your power, your strength, your… manhood.” Then it shows a clip of Trump moaning and stock footage of someone pouring out what appears to be ED drugs.

    Some of the most cut to the bone political ads I have ever seen. They even used ASMR on him, lol….

  3. George Conway deserves some love. Good on you, George! Go get the weird orange loser.

  4. Because the truth hurts, and there was several things in there that Trump does not want to admit, so he sends his lawyers to try and stop the Lincoln Project from saying it. He’s so thin skinned it’s unreal.

  5. Yes. Use his own words, video of him, to show him as he really is. He can’t handle it.

  6. Donald Trump survived the attempt on his life so that he could suffer the humiliation of losing to Kamala Harris…Karma

  7. It’s going to be so beautiful in November when the The citizens of the United States send a cease and desist notification to Trump.

  8. What a laugh. They have nothing they can actually demand they stop. He just showed this hurt him deeply.

  9. Does that mean he’s pulling down any attack ads *he* made?

    Ima wager a guess and say not a chance in hell. 

    Enjoy the honest ads about yourself, you weird convicted felon. 

  10. This is going to be interesting. Because LaCivita and the other one, Lisa something, are actually competent. Not everyone hits home runs every time at bat, but they are disciplined, which is Trump’s weakness. I’d say they give him the best chance to win.

    Well, **gave** him the best chance. They brought Corey back from Kristi Noem’s doghouse, and gave the scarecrow, Kellyanne, more responsibility. Chris and Lisa are on their way out, because there’s nothing Trump likes more than to say “you’re Fired”.

    Trump’s best play is to “Fire” LaCivita for alienating veterans with that weak ass swift boat attempt. Dude is the VP nominee, they don’t matter, and you’re swinging with one of the most vile strategies of the last 25 years? Shameful, if they had any shame.

  11. It’s like watching a boxer that’s been beaten senseless but his manager won’t throw in the towel. They think they have Rocky when they really have Duk Koo Kim

  12. How much you want to bet it wasn’t even the substance of the ad that triggered him, just the fact it’s a woman narrating it talking down to him like that.

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