BREAKING NEWS!!!! Trump tells his biggest lie yet! No need to FACT CHECK this.

BREAKING NEWS!!!! Trump tells his biggest lie yet! No need to FACT CHECK this.

Posted by golfnut82

  1. Trump is old, orange sprayed, wears a diaper, and has an IQ of a toddler…that TOTALLY looks good hahaha.

  2. I guess he’s trying to cover his tracks after calling her beautiful the other day? What a weird old man

  3. It’s farcical to think Trump truly, honestly believes he looks like anything other than a half-melted space hopper.

  4. I see he finally started talking about the real issues people want to hear about. Also 🤢

  5. MAGA- He was joking guys! He is just playing the crowd /s

    The next thing we will hear is that he actually is younger than Kamala.

    MAGA response. – It’s true, Trump looks younger than Kamala. We should have a arm wrestling competition with Kamala

  6. Oh the arrogance. The king has no clothes. Not on y is the vice president a beautiful woman. She is smarter than Trump. She is also kind, funny, strong, engaging and charismatic. All things Tump never has been nor will ever be.

  7. I bet Melania dances the watusi in a bowl of jello when she hears this whopper, eh modbot? That ok for ya?

  8. Literally the maturity level of an 8 year old.

    I don’t care if you look like handsome Squidward. Your policies, if we can call them that, are cruel, inhumane, backwards, and will fuck the country for generations (unless you’re already rich, white, Christian, and male).

  9. This dude has looked weird and off-putting at every stage in his life, nevermind at 78. The notion that an average, non-cult person could find him physically appealing is hilarious.

  10. I see a bigger lie in the background. Trump will NOT be our 47th president. He will be an inmate or America’s first king.

  11. He’s cooked. He can’t call her stupid, he can’t call her ugly. His grade school shit ain’t doing it anymore.

    This is why you don’t shit on your elders. If you’re lucky you’ll be them tomorrow.

    She gonna eat this dude alive at the debate.

    Take away the looks and stick with politics, he’s toast.

    Take away the politics, he’s not in her league. Kamala is a certified cougar. You can’t bully a cougar.

  12. Trump being Putin’s jealous girlfriend

    “I’m hotter than her!!!”

    Very sad, Becky

  13. He doesn’t get it and neither does MAGA.

    His schoolyard “Crooked Hillary” strategy worked against HRC because the right had laid the groundwork for it with a decade of ops against her.

    And she wasn’t enough of a likable candidate.

    Neither factor applied to Joe nor now does to Kamala.

    Guy’s going down in flames.
    Love to see it.

  14. Lol this is like middle school class presidential race level….except theyd be reprimanded

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