‘Is Trump ok?’ Observers erupt after Trump appears to ‘confuse the state he’s in’ at rally

‘Is Trump ok?’ Observers erupt after Trump appears to ‘confuse the state he’s in’ at rally


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. making up lies again? show the whole video, because he was talking to women in the audience who were from north carolina and have been going to his rallies across the country.

  2. Dementia Don doesn’t even know where he is. It’s elder abuse to keep him running for president.

  3. Or, he’s right, and the Deep State brainwashed all the attendees.

    I’m looking to RFK Jr. for a fair explanation

  4. He wasn’t ok the last time he ran. He is just more biggly not ok now. Weird isn’t it?

  5. The end of that video is basically:

    Trump: “Hey this whole schtick about America being in decline is MY bit! ~~Politicians~~ Comedians don’t steal each other’s material, ok!

  6. i mean he definitely has some kind of dementia, but I can also see him messing this up at any point since he doesnt give any shits about where he is or who he is campaigning to

  7. the man is a living mostly breathing madlib generator, they have to give him cue cards to tell him the state and what grevance issue to cover

  8. How would anyone ever tell? He’s an idiot. If you add aggressive onset senility with a coke addiction his brain is a a Loony Tunes marathon.

  9. Jeez…it’s not like his campaign schedule is so packed that there should be any confusion about where he is.

    The man is a couple grams short of an ounce. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

  10. “Those who confuse Pennsylvania for North Carolina deserve neither and will lose both.”

  11. That was really a bad speech. I think he started from the beginning at least three times. He would start going off on Kamala then call her a communist then go off on some other tangent. Then he would ramble on about some nonsense like he was better looking than Harris. Then he would blather on about stolen elections he would then get back on track about tax breaks. He would then launch into something about Reagan. Then he would start all over again about how Kamala is a communist then he would go off on Biden then he would launch into how KH caused inflation …round and round. Same old stuff different day.

  12. Comrade Kamala knows what state she in. But has a hard time remembering what state she from when she in Georgia using a fake ass southern black accent.

  13. And over 70 million will still vote for him. That should not make you sleep well at night.

  14. How many brain glitches has Trumpy had in the past four weeks, the past six weeks. The Dems pressured Biden to drop out and the White Christian Nationalist party is sticking with Trumpy…good move guys. Looks like Kamala Harris is surging and Trump is flopping around like a fish on the deck of a boat..

  15. Has he ever been “ok?”

    No, the answer is no. Just now instead of being a narcissistic racist, sexist, rapist idiot… he’s a narcissistic racist, sexist rapist idiot with dementia

  16. They should replace trump with Kevin Roberts of the heritage foundation! He could show the American people how he has their best interests in mind with project 2025 /s

  17. This is fake. He literally started his rally saying hello Pennsylvania. There elwas a group of people from NC there he was talking to.

    Whys EVERYTHING on this sub literal fake news? Wheres the mods???

  18. He is probably campaigning in two or three states a week for the past 8 months. Who can blame him if he forgets once in a while.

  19. Where are the reporters and Republican Party members discussing Trump’s health, age and fitness? Where’s the scrutiny? He has aides #covering #up #for #him — his lack of mental fitness to even know what state he’s in is a national security threat. His aides need to be subpoenaed, clearly, since no major media outlet is asking the pertinent questions of why this 78 year old man is slurring, slumping, glitching, confabulating constantly, confusing one state for another, going off on bizarre, irrelevant tangent and appears to be sundowning on a daily basis.

  20. Why is anyone surprised? He’s a low IQ moron who has to spend his remaining old man years staring out at the same sea of homogenized stupidity town after town, state after state. We’ve all seen pictures of the people at his rallies, you can’t tell whether you’re looking at Florida trash or Carolina trash or Texas trash, you just know there’s going to be white trash…and maybe one token black dude in the background who may or may not be Tim Scott dressed up as a male.

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