Trump just posted this on his *truth* social

Trump just posted this on his *truth* social

Posted by rhythmstripp

  1. Umm…didn’t he praise trump for the prisoner swap? Isn’t his wife Russian? Isn’t his Ex-Wife Russian? Didn’t he call Putin ‘Smart’? Didn’t he shake hands and try to dock with Putin?

  2. Ahahaha, he has learned well from his soviet buddy Vova, how to communicate bullshit non-sense to his weirdos followers.

  3. He cannot get new voters this way. He can only strengthen his base. His base is all he has

  4. Are there enough people who are completely brain dead about communism who look at this and think “maybe price gouging laws are communist”

    Just for the record, 35 states have existing price gouging laws in emergencies, including a majority of red states.

    So either, by Trump’s argument those states are communist, or he doesn’t think this is an emergency. His statements that “we’ll have a depression like 1929” belies that somewhat.

  5. If you say you’re voting for Trump because he’s white; I know you’re a little racist. If you say you’re voting for Trump because he’s a man; I know you’re a little sexist. If you say you’re voting for Trump because he’s a Republican ; I know you’re a little bit of a nationalist. If you say you’re voting for Trump, I know you’re a huge idiot.

  6. Russia isn’t a Communist country. China is barely a Communist country, +72% of their GDP is privately owned (CINO?). Similar for Cuba, Vietnam, & Laos. The closest to a pure communist country left in the world is N. Korea.

    The US is a Laissez-faire Capitalist country. Laissez-faire in that we have limited government regulation, not NO government regulation. Being a slight bit less Laissez-faire is a LONG way from being Communist. When we tried being MORE Laissez-faire, we crashed the stock market in 1929 and set off the Great Depression.

    This is straight Red Scare tactics.

  7. It’s sad that he **Can’t define communism**

    And he’s the candidate who cozies up to Russians

  8. It’s kind of funny, when Hillary called them deplorable they lost their shit, it’s un-American, the libs are not patriotic calling us that, how can you insult half the country. And yet this crap comes out all the time, and often, crickets from liberals. Cause we’re not children.

  9. He’s desperately trying to find anything to stick that makes her look bad.

    Now we are cycling through all the greatest hits, socialism, communism, higher taxes, and coming soon will be, they’re gonna take your guns!

    It’s a tried and true playbook. Thankfully, it’s a moron using it, so its effectiveness should be minimized.

  10. Trump is the one who’s been kissing Putins ass and this makes no sense. The GOP are officially a bunch of fucking idiots led by a moron…

  11. Subtle! 😆

    Had any nice chats recently with Uncle Vladdy or Muhammad bin Bonesaw lately, Don? Asking for a friend.

  12. hes really loosing it yall. hes really running out of things to insult her with that would stick.

  13. This reminds me of the Trump NY court case when his minions were showing up to the trial in state sponsored suits.

    Vote this Joe McCarthy bullshit off the face of the planet. It was stupid then, it’s stupid now.

  14. Bold choice of propaganda images from a man who’s been laundering Russian mafia money since the 80s and who literally takes orders from a former KGB agent, but you do you, Donnie.

  15. “Anything I don’t like is communism. That should scare the uneducated voter I love so much. Man, this whole politics thing is so easy, get me a Big Mac and Diet Coke”

  16. It’s just more projection. Make the other look so much like something that your followers don’t see how much you have become that thing yourself.

  17. I hope to God this is true, because holy shit America, destroy Trump and bring the US back to a normal conversation.

  18. Remember when a woman couldn’t be President because they would be too irrational and emotional?

  19. Looks like irony is alive and well. It’s a bit much coming from the guy that fellates putin any chance he gets.

  20. The way to read the GOP and Trump’s position is that they’re FOR and SUPPORT price gouging.

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