Fox says Kamala Harris is a communist

Fox says Kamala Harris is a communist

Posted by seanosul

  1. Fox’s lawyers also say that it is entertainment and not reasonable person would mistake it for a news source. 

  2. They want to brand her communist because the only “creative” slogan the GOP can come up with is “Commie Kamala”. So the orange Fukboi can print and sell some shirts before he gets voted out in November.

  3. Fox seems desperate. I think many realize they just have an agenda to push and don’t really care to provide and facts behind anything at all. What are democrats? Socialists? Communists? Make up your mind.

  4. Love how all right wing “christians” are against taxing the rich to help the poor, yet they want to force everyone to be “christians”.

  5. Cash handouts?

    You mean like all those Trump administration PPP loans that got forgiven (free money!) or the tax cuts for the wealthy (more free money!)?

  6. Dumbass republicans complain about the high costs of products and healthcare, then when Harris has an idea to help them. They call her a commie.
    It’s as bad as not passing the border bill, when they complain about the border not being fixed.
    Republicans just like to complain but want nothing fixed unless it’s by tRump. Which never happens.

  7. Literally everyone: Stop inflation! Stop corporations from being greedy and makinf it afford to live!

    Harris: okay, heres some ideas.

    Republicans: communist!!!!

    Fucking idiots.

  8. GOP: prices are too high!!!

    Harris: we are going to stop companies from price gouging.


  9. I wish she would do a tax to raise the funds to buy Kroger or Aldi and then have the government set low prices and negotiate with suppliers for low prices in exchange for stability

  10. Must have found the box of ‘well heeled GOP Too’s’ in the attic, blew the inch thick dust off the top, and scratched ‘Kennedy’ off the name….

  11. They’d say that even if she came out 100% against all cash handouts and price controls. It’s Fox “News”. It’s not representative of anything except some fiction writer’s fantasies.

  12. Commie. Socialist. Pedophile. Commie. Socialist. Pedophile. Commie. Socialist. Pedophile…


    The GOP is a broken record of useless catchphrases.

  13. After two years of screaming about food prices being too high, Harris is the first one to propose a solution and they immediately attack her. Yup, that’s Republican/MAGA. They don’t want logical solutions, only hate and hurting “others”.

  14. She’s a socialist. She’s a communist. She’s not black. What next? She’s two kids in a trenchcoat? She’s Waluigi in disguise? What about the lizard or alien accusations?

  15. Kamala Harris could drink a glass of orange juice and the right wing would be like

    “ShE’s a CoMmUNist”! 🤪

  16. One of the things that Great Britain does better than us is that they have much more effective libel laws.

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