[Florio] Current U.S. flag football QB says it’s “disrespectful” to assume NFL players will show up and take US Olympic team spots

Posted by Kimber80

  1. It is disrespectful to assume that the guys who are better at football will show up and be better at football

  2. Do NBA players have to go through tryouts to make the USA Olympic team? I don’t think they do. USA Basketball just selects them from the pool of players that want to participate. I suspect the same thing will happen for Flag Football, unless the IFAF implements some sort of qualification rules like FIBA has for x3 basketball.

  3. He’s got a point, high level flag football is a lot different than NFL football. The evasive moves are way different. And pulling a flag is probably harder than making a tackle for the NFL guys.

    With that said if there is a fair and equitable tryout then let the best dudes play.

    Edit: go watch some of the 7on7 tournaments with the high schoolers. Many times the team full of 4star and 5star athletes lose to teams with players that have no scholarship offers. 7on7 isn’t the same as flag and it isn’t the same as real football obviously. But just being the best NFL player doesn’t mean you’ll be the best Flag player

  4. Is flag football even played anywhere else? Or is it just gonna be like 4 countries sending teams?

  5. “We just don’t think they’re going to be able to walk on the field and make the Olympic team because of the name, right?” Doucette said. “They still have to go out there and compete.”

    That’s reasonable. But I have a feeling that a Mahomes or a Jackson will leave Mr. Doucette watching from the sidelines.

  6. It depends on how different the strategy and concepts of flag football are compared to regular football. Offensively, I don’t know that it would matter much. Defensively is where I could see it making a difference.

    Granted I don’t really know what rules they’ll be using. But in my mind I’m picturing DBs having to cover for longer than they usually do in the NFL.

  7. Hopefully it’s for the US team it’s only recently retired people from the NFL. Like 3 on 3 basketball.

  8. Darrel “Douche” Dorsett is more like it.

    You didn’t grow a sport dude, you participated in a hobby because you weren’t good enough to grow the sport. Your opportunity exists because NFL pros grew the sport.

    If that guy honestly believes he could compete with Mahommes dropping dimes to Justin Jefferson when they both know no one can hit them, then he needs to get his brain checked.

  9. He’s not wrong. They didn’t necessarily go through qualifying, make the sacrifices, etc. to move toward the Olympics. It would be like if some random “National Gymnastics League” athlete got picked over Biles who has put in the work.

    Just because you have talent doesn’t mean you automatically get a spot and/or have EARNED a spot on a team or in a competition. You have to put in the work to get there. Anything else is favoritism and entitlement.

    Alas, money may talk.

    Edit: aww, I hurt all the some folks feelings. Please, keep claiming I’m wrong and how folks who bust their butts in flag football should be replaced by a bunch of tackle football players for ratings, etc.

  10. I get what they are saying. It’s like in Rugby Sevens the teams are made up of Sevens players, countries don’t just construct a team stacked with pro or World Cup Union players

  11. So is flag football even played outside of North America? Are they other countries that field a team going to just look for dual citizens or just nationalize players that won’t be able to make USA and Canada teams? Also, I greatly doubt NFL will release any active players to play in this. Maybe there could be some out of contract players that might try to make the team.

  12. Tbf their might be certain aspects it’s hard for a team use to the physicality of NFL football, to switch up for a sport more on hand eye coordination and finesse like flag football. Like how we were dismantled in 3 vs 3. Imo certain pro positions won’t translate and might be a detriment

  13. How bout we have a good old battle. Current flag football team vs nfl flag football team. Winner goes to Olympics.

    Also do they not realize the nfl guys have been playing flag football in the pro bowl the last 2 years.

  14. Flag football is going to be in the Olympics?

    7 year old me would be excited if I had a time machine.

  15. I have a feeling the top NFLers will run circles around current flag footballers, they are the best and get paid millions for a reason, but they’ll need good coaching and some legit practice to adapt to the different play style and rules. It’s fair to assume that while their physical skills are elite, their strategy may take a little bit of time to catch up to whatever the standard is in pro flag football. But it will get there. I think people underrate how intelligent professional football players have to be to remember plays, read defenses, etc. so I don’t doubt that they can figure out flag football with a bit of practice and coaching, assuming they haven’t been playing in the offseason already.

    That said, I’d be pissed if I actually made a life out of playing flag football just to be immediately supplanted when it finally hits the international stage. I can see where this guy is coming from in terms of wanting to defend his position.

  16. I’m newish to football but don’t know much about flag football but I’m pretty sure the NFL players would be better BUT is there any way that those with flag football experience only can keep up with professional football players who only play tackle football?

  17. The only real question to me is how many cureent nfl stars have overseas connections that will allow them to play for some other teams.

    Because obviously the top 15 or whatever nfl skill guys are gonna win those spots for the us.

  18. I think that the nfl shouldn’t allow these guys to play Unless they’re doing flag football competitions before the Olympics. NFL players already know they’re great and get paid millions. Let the lesser known guys have a chance at greatness

  19. If nfl teams let their players play obviously they will walk on and be infinitely superior Day one. But there’s a chance they don’t let them die to injury risk.

    Ngl it’s disrespectful of him to think he has anything on like Derek carr, never mind Patrick Mahomes

  20. No offense to the Flag Football QB, but there’s a reason he ain’t in the NFL. If he beats out an NFL QB to make the final cut all power to him, but don’t be mad when some third string NFL QB comes and demolishes that try out.

  21. I’m fairly confident that most or all rotational players in D1 including HBCUs and FCS could outperform these semi pro flag football players

  22. Footballers don’t play futsal or beach soccer or e-soccer even if they might play better

  23. Fuck risking injuries right before the season for flag football. Better not see any Eagles out there.

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