Fox News host Laura Ingraham condemns ‘rock concert’ Dem convention — and it backfires

Fox News host Laura Ingraham condemns ‘rock concert’ Dem convention — and it backfires

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Hahaha, the RNC could only get washed up celebrities. People that aren’t even relevant anymore.

  2. Ingraham is one of the most obviously dishonest people I’ve ever seen. She knows full well that she’s not telling the truth and has absolutely no shame about that. Of course her viewers don’t care as long as she keeps saying what they want to hear

  3. Remember when the RNC had Clint Eastwood yelling at a chair? That was legendary.

  4. Trumpies and Fox know that this week there will be almost no coverage of TFG, even knowing that he’ll say the most bonkers things in order to capture the news cycle. Its going to be a celebration and its driving them nuts.

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