I was tired of trump impressions anyway…


Posted by NicNac_PattyMac

  1. I’m told I do a decent Trump. I take zero pride in it, it’s just something I do when I’m mocking him. The other day I slipped into it at a neighborhood party with some other parents. One of the other dads goes “Man. That was great. I bet you’re hoping he wins so you can do that for another four years.” And I’m like “Dude. I hope I’m never compelled to do (or by circumstance hear) that fucking voice ever again for the rest of my life.”

  2. I would NOT complain about 4 more years of Maya Rudolph on SNL, but I also hope that she wants to do it. However, I also wanted four more years of *A Black Lady Sketch Show*, but respected that they wanted to quit before having a bad season.

  3. I really prefer when cast members do it. James Austin Johnson is way better than Baldwin.

  4. Truly the biggest disappointment of trump winning 2016 was missing out on all Kate McKinnons Hillary impressions.

  5. Maya does a terrible Kamala, tho, which is a shame, because she’s such a target-rich environment for caricature.

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