There’s a different standard for Democrats apparently.

There’s a different standard for Democrats apparently.

Posted by IAmAccutane

  1. ![gif](giphy|LXLgiN2R8YMtdwalWu|downsized)

    Don’t you know the worst one of all was the crime of being old with a stutter?

  2. I feel like everyone has forgotten that he stole top secret documents and got 2 billion from Saudi Arabia.

  3. Agree with the premise but Obama did drone strikes a wedding, and some schools and a whole lot of other innocent people.

  4. The bar for Republicans is in hell, and for Democrats, it’s in the next galaxy

  5. Journalism:  *Wow. That’s a very interesting viewpoint.  Here’s another stupid story on Understanding Conservatives to fix that.*

  6. and Regan loved jelly beans. omg the horror… doritos. gtfo gqp, you have nothing

  7. She also wore Converse in the last 48 hours.

    Fox News has called a national emergency.

  8. Feed the Diaper Don some “Soft Stool” tacos and watch him squirm. 🤣🤣🤣

  9. I windmill slammed the vote button for Obama and I’ll do it again for Harris, but lets be honest with ourselves that Obama’s greatest scandal was not a tan suit; I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I know the full extent of the drone killing controversy but looking at the wikipedia articles for it, it is abundantly clear that the US gave zero fucks about possible civilian deaths from 2008-2012, and when they rightfully got flak for it they radically changed their policies to bring civilian casualties down to zero until 2017.

  10. God, don’t forget Biden ate some ice-cream, while trump ignored a worldwide pandemic leading to millions needlessly dying.

  11. I thought Obama’s was the insane amount of drone strikes. Nah both parties just ignore that fact, focus on that Tan Suit some more.

  12. She eats Doritos and wears converse – how dare we have someone as president who is relatable.
    If this is the shit the right wants to keep focusing on then they’re going to be awfully sad Nov 5

  13. Bush being the president in 2008 during the most recent financial crisis is another good one. All for the deregulation and no oversight President

  14. One of the symptoms of an abuser is that they will get unreasonably angry over completely reasonable things.

  15. Trump: more than half a million people died unnecessarily due to the lack of coherent COVID response.

    I don’t know how many Benghazi’s that is but it’s a lot.

  16. I voted for Obama twice and if I could go back in time, I would do so again. Hell, I would vote for him right now if they let him have a third term. However, this isn’t accurate. Funny? Sure, I guess, but it paints the picture that we can’t look at our democratic leaders critically.

    Other commenters have pointed out his liberal application of drone strikes and the epic failure that was Fast and Furious, but he also was not nearly the paragon of “Hope” and “Change” that his campaigns claimed he would be. He was, for all intents and purposes, a fairly effective moderate democrat. That is to say, he didn’t really rock the boat and didn’t press the envelope of what we can be as a nation. He was level headed, introspective, empathetic, and eloquent; all characteristics a president should have. Was he a good president? I believe so, and I think history will view him kindly, but he was far from perfect.

    Just my two cents. I think we can criticize the right and their examples of leadership plenty without ignoring the shortcomings of our own. On the contrary, self reflection should be how we learn from our past and improve.

  17. Elevating Harris eating Doritos into a scandal is Doritos trying to sell more Doritos.

  18. Harris has done worse. I heard she personally smuggled one million Mexican rapists across the border and distributed them to cities across the country.

  19. There truly is. I’m beyond fed up with the media acting as a running mate for every goddamn Republican from Trump down to county drain commissioner. The bias is insane.

  20. Obamas was probably fast and furious, and Bidens was probably leaving all those poor Afgahni translators behind.

  21. Biden riding a bike or eating ice cream was the worse… While trump was at the golf course 3-5 days a week during his presidency.

  22. Russia also hacked both parties but only released data on the Dems, leading up to the 2016 election.

    Obviously the Dems’ secrets weren’t as useful as leverage.

  23. This why people are embracing the Joy the idea of Harris / Walz administration offers to regular people who don’t have stock or investment portfolios, people who care about the environment…. The ability to truly move forward is predicate on looking at the past and making better choices for our collective future. We are a wealthy country and wealthy people can pay reasonable taxes and we really can invest in the health, education and overall wellbeing of our people. We can afford to allow the elderly to age with dignity. We can aspire to diplomacy and peace while embracing those who have served us. We are smart enough to screen and train police officers who serve to protect without killing people. Most Americans support common sense gun laws. Why don’t we have security in any any of these things? We don’t have politicians who are more interested in solving problems than they are in leveraging fear to raise money to solve the problem which equates to re-electing them. Out of office former president Donald John Trump directed Republican members of the United States Congress to scuttle the Border Deal because by his reckoning his ability to blame Biden for the porous border would be a winning issue for him in November. It’s not about a 34x convicted felon and adjudicated sex offender. It’s about a better future for our grandchildren and the tiny blue planet we share.

  24. I thought for sure it was gonna be Kamala in her converses, given how many times I’ve seen it.

  25. I’m fine with the standard the democrats are keeping. The bad thing is that republicans are fine with their candidate’s “standards” as well.

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