POV footage of Ukrainian troops clearing buildings and Russian positions in the Kursk Region – August 2024

POV footage of Ukrainian troops clearing buildings and Russian positions in the Kursk Region – August 2024

by T-72Tank

  1. If you didn’t know different, this would look like a training video. Well done AFU.

  2. What a weird shot of those two soldiers throwing a grenade into that bunker. It would make absolutely no sense for a cameraman to stand in front of an entrance while the two soldiers are carefully stepping aside. Pretty sure it was already cleared prior and they just reenacted it for camera.

  3. This looks tight and disciplined. Contrast this years ago when most of the Ukraine forces weren’t even integrated into the military. Come a long way. But who knows maybes it’s curated propaganda for people like me to enjoy

  4. As somebody with a modest amount of training for this type of fighting, but who has been fortunate to never need to use it, it’s brutal to watch this. They’re so calm and methodical about it, you’d almost not realize people are trying to kill each other here.

    Tragedy it’s come to this. Fucking Russia and fucking Putin.

  5. Who in 2014 could have imagined that in 10 years Ukraine would be invading Russia with American equipment?

  6. Beautiful to watch. Taking the battle to the territory of the Third World terrorist state.

  7. Crazy to see humvees rolling through Russia and the use of drones in close overhead surveillance in the trenches. To think that just 10 years ago, the Ukrainians were using a hodgepodge of Soviet era equipment to a now modernized, technological military.

  8. You can tell their training with NATO has paid off. They even move like a modern western military.

  9. As someone who has been raised in a peaceful area, I have to remind myself, that this is not just PubG 2.0 with better graphics. War is so so wrong.

  10. This drone with loudspeakers calling Russians to surrender really gives me HL 2 vibes.

  11. So now, the obvious strategy would be to turn south and flank all the orc staging areas on the border, all the way down to Rostov, leaving russian forces in Ukraine largely cut off, except for whatever they can get over the bridge in Crimea, which…kaboom. Fuck ’em up, boys!

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