Big, fat, stinky liar

Big, fat, stinky liar

Posted by kalamazoo43

  1. You didn’t turn them away. They decided to not take a chance on you not paying the rent-a-crowd to attend your circus.

  2. I loathe him, but to be fair, I wouldn’t want to sit behind him after what happened either…

  3. Turned away 11,500?

    Find me 11,780 votes?

    Whaddaya wanna bet he was thinking of Georgia when he pulled the rally “got-aways” out of his ass?

    He’s just layered, recycled lies, rehashed grievances, and hamburger grease all the way down.

  4. How he counts 11.500 and not estimates 12.000.

    Wasn’t he short of 11.5K in 2020 Georgia?
    Is that number etched on his single brain cell?

  5. On the other hand, I can see Trump turning away people when there are empty seats just so he can say he turned people away.

  6. I got blocked by my brother in law on Facebook back in 2020 by pointing out that Trump’s presidency started out with a lie about the crowd at his inauguration. I think what triggered him was when I used the following phrase. Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe only dear leader.

  7. (Trump-) “The Harris campaign posted video taken hours before my rally!-like this image-disregard the AI-generated “me” speaking on stage!, and the timestamp showing I was speaking then”!

  8. Wait, so he’s on stage. But empty seats behind him.

    But people who’s turned away? Oh maybe they did bring a virgin to sacrifice to their gold god.

  9. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – 1984

  10. Those seats aren’t actually empty. They are filled with the Blue Man Group members.

  11. The crowds’ trump draws are so small that if there weren’t stories about trump lying about crowd size, almost no one would know maga rallies still happen.

  12. Close to the same number of votes he was begging the Georgia Sec of State to “find” for him in 2020.

  13. Well, to be fair, it was a bigger turnout than the turnout for the **Borderlands** movie. Not saying much.

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