The moment he realized cheesesteaks don’t use Swiss Cheese

The moment he realized cheesesteaks don’t use Swiss Cheese

Posted by BeardedCrank

  1. If he’d gone to Geno’s he could have gotten it with Provolone. The slightest amount of research could have avoided this…

  2. “What does ‘wit wiz’ mean?”

    “It means go to the back of the line and read the menu again.”

  3. JD Vance in Buffalo: “Got any ranch dressing?”

    JD Vance in NYC: “one scooped out bagel”

    JD Vance in Chicago: “footlong with Ketchup please”

  4. How does no one prep him or for him even to have the presence of mind to just order it how they recommend. Seems like a very politically safe ….know what I’m sorry. For a second I thought there was some common sense here.

  5. I’m no fan of Vance, but I’m wit him on this one. Whiz isn’t as good on a cheesesteak as provolone.

  6. Eat dahlinlk! Mangiare! Mangiare! Super size it. Clog them arteries up with tryclerides and cholesterol. You’ll be a CABG x 5 (coronary artery bypass grafting 5 vessels) by the time you lose the election. No worries. You can get Obama Care.

  7. “Hi, yeah uh my friend was wondering if you have any hamberders back there”

  8. “This boy don’t seem like he from round here.” But in all honest personal opinion there is so much more we can attack him on than over Swiss cheese. It’s like the far right media going after Kamala for eating a bag of Doritos. We’re better than this.

  9. I’m pretty sure he’s a vegetarian, and as a Hindu eating beef is against his religion. That is, unless he’s completely changed who he is again for this campaign.

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