Donald Trump’s shocking ‘Jewish’ comments at rally stuns crowd into silence

Donald Trump’s shocking ‘Jewish’ comments at rally stuns crowd into silence

Posted by IrishStarUS

  1. From the article:

    Donald Trump [has sparked fresh controversy](, claiming at a Wilkes-Barre, [Pennsylvania]( rally that Josh Shapiro wasn’t chosen as Kamala Harris’ running mate “because he’s Jewish,” as shown in this [widely viewed X video.]( The 78-year-old continued his pattern of [personal attacks against Vice President Harris](, while casting doubt on the necessity of an election, boasting that he was “winning in the polls.”

  2. I really dislike Jews but I did marry my wife (she’s a Jew). See how ridiculous that sounds?

  3. If he HATES Josh Shapiro, then WHY is he BFFs with Benjamin Netanyahu???…

    And his son-in-law is Jewish???

  4. How (or why) are we supposed to respect anyone that votes for this degenerate swine? Those guys are as fucked in their heads as he is.

  5. This is Trump’s third time running, and he has yet to choose a Jewish running mate. I guess he’s an anti-semite as well.

  6. This publication loves to use really bombastic words in their headlines…I.e “terrifying”, “shocking”. I appreciate some of the information, but the titles are excessively click/baity. It’s pretty much ASSUMED at this point that anything Don-Old says is going to be shocking. He’s trying to desensitize the American public while at the same time energize his dwindling base. It’s #weird

  7. The republican agenda is to destroy America and make Trump their king …. This is a very dangerous thing and could lead to the collapse of American democracy … sad to watch the people so divided and willing to burn everything down for greed and corruption… good luck in the fall …✌️

  8. Nobody seems to understand these lies and crazy comments have a political purpose. For some reason, he wanted to bring attention to the fact she’s married to a Jew. When he made up a story about Willie Brown and a helicopter, it was because he wanted to introduce Willie Brown into political conversation not because the incident actually happened

  9. Not shocking at all coming from Trump. He has a big mouth and doesn’t care if people are offended.

    He’s a dick.

  10. So Trump is saying that Harris didn’t pick Shapiro, who *Trump* says:
    1. isn’t liked by anyone and
    2. would be a poor choice,

    …because Shapiro is Jewish.

    Trump just told us why he doesn’t like Shapiro, and thinks he’d be a poor choice for a Vice President.


  11. Hitler Jr flaunting his antisemitism and racism as per usual and too fucking obtuse to realize this will lose him more votes… Well done Don the Dunce!

  12. To Trump any publicity is good publicity. Harris and Walz are dominating the news cycle so he is throwing shit against the wall to see if anything sticks.

  13. His statements will continue to get more unhinged as the dementia progresses.

  14. He has no idea how entertaining it is for us non cultists to watch him become more and more unglued as he humiliates himself for the entire world to see. Honestly he is funny as shit it’s just that many of us are laughing AT him and not with him and he lacks even the slightest bit of self awareness to realize this .

  15. He is going to keep going, he wants the spotlight back so bad, you guys!

    “Please pay attention to me!!” – Trump

  16. For the love of all that is sane, please vote in November so we can be done with this dumpster fire of a person.

  17. It’s shocking that anybody has the ability to see this man in any serious light. He is not campaigning on what he wants to do to make America “great”. The only thing he is doing is insulting everyone around him. He has no platform. He hasn’t said anything solid. He just rambles on and on.

  18. How is anything he says considered “shocking?” Unless and until he admits to all his crimes it’s just more of the same old shit.

  19. He’s slowly hammering down his nail onto his coffin. November 5th can’t come soon enough

  20. Trump is great comedy. Watching him is like seeing the continuation of Dumber and dumber, even funnier.

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