What a contrast. Anti-union chud and union leader Chad.

What a contrast. Anti-union chud and union leader Chad.

Posted by devilsadvocateac

  1. I just heard Hogan at the RNC for the first time today and he sounded like a washed up POS. For being the headliner, he definitely didn’t bring any fire. Whereas Kamala walking out on stage the first night nearly brought the roof down. Cons are going to be hurting come Nov. Oof.

  2. The Trumpers are just all old and weird.

    Except for the younger weird ones who are into eyeliner and incel shit. They’re just weird.

  3. Yea idk how so many people in unions vote Trump. Really seems like its more about culture than anything.

  4. Perfect metaphor for where the respective parties are ideologically and substantively.

  5. The reality show host has turned into a wrestling promoter and his fans have followed. It’s embarrassing.

  6. Hogan ratted out Jesse Ventura to Vince McMahon when Ventura tried to get a union started in the WWF in the 80’s.

  7. Do you think when Reagan ran for president, he knew it would set the stage for republicans needing the weirdest members of the entertainment industry to endorse them?

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