‘Did you fall on your head?’ Megyn Kelly blasted for ‘racist’ response to DNC speech

‘Did you fall on your head?’ Megyn Kelly blasted for ‘racist’ response to DNC speech


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Racists and misogynists are in full freakout mode over the prospect of a Black Woman in the White House. Thoughts and prayers.

  2. Damn good rebuttal to her glib “Imagine if a white person said this”, whataboutism bullshit:

    >The Bulwark’s Tim Miller commented: “Was there a period of time where white people were denied college access so they needed to create alternative institutions to combat systematic oppression? No? Maybe that explains the difference?”

  3. From Canada, Thoughts and prayers that these sick bastards stay out of power come this election canada is with you vote blue!

  4. Since her “pivot” to the center flamed out like a dumpster fire, she’s clearly submitting her application for her old job of “Being The Staggeringly Idiot Blonde” at Fox.

  5. Megyn Kelly. Another one who Trump turned on and attacked (“blood coming out of her …”) who is now bending the knee and kissing his ass.

    These people have no shame. No personal moral code. No backbone.

  6. Let’s keep going. England and France kicked their conservatives out of office, we need to do the same.

  7. Ugh. The old “HBCUs are racist” bullshit.

    You dumb twat, they were created because for most of this country’s history, black people were barred from other educational institutions. And now they serve diverse populations, not just black people.

    My sister attended a HBCU for vet school (Tuskegee) . Half of her classmates were white. Imagine that!

  8. Wait… Megyn Kelly is a racist?!?!?! OMG SHE HID IT SO WELL I WOULD HAVE NEVER THO…. Yeah, sorry, why is ANYONE shocked this loser cookie cutter slept my way to the top Megyn (Fox News) Kelly c**t is racist?!?!

  9. Wait, people are shocked? Megyn Kelly once forcefully said on Fox noos “Kids, Santa (Claus) is just White…and Jesus was a white man too”.

    Fun fact: Santa Claus is imaginary and Jesus was middle eastern.

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