Harry Dunn: Family due to meet Foreign Secretary David Lammy

Harry Dunn: Family due to meet Foreign Secretary David Lammy


Posted by Alex09464367

1 comment
  1. >When a witness reached the scene, Sacoolas said to her: “It’s all my fault. I was on the wrong side of the road. I have only been here a couple of weeks.”

    >The witness then rushed over to Harry and he said: “Don’t let me die.”

    >[The witness] said she told police she was on “the American side” of the road, from the base to the brow of the hill where the collision occurred.

    The UK [didn’t even urge](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-53505684) the US to waive diplomatic immunity for her, which only applied through the loophole of her husband having it, even though then-Foreign Minister Raab met with the family. Absolutely ridiculous case that both governments should be ashamed for; I wish the Dunn family all the success in the world

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