Ukraine ‘at risk of losing Donbas’ with Kursk offensive | Ukraine War

Ukraine ‘at risk of losing Donbas’ with Kursk offensive | Ukraine War

Sky News miliary analyst Prof Michael Clarke takes a look at how the decision by Ukraine to invade the Kursk region of Russia could backfire.

Ukrainian troops protecting key strategic locations in the Donbas, eastern Ukraine, are at risk of being overwhelmed by the Russians.

That would be put Moscow in a strong bargaining position going into the winter, Prof Clarke said.

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  1. The purpose of the Kursk incursion was to draw Russian resources away from the front-line. It didn't work, whether because Russia are stupid or slow they did not take resources from the war, they sent only inexperienced recruits who failed.

    Now Ukraine have to make a difficult decision. Should they expend resources to hold the territory? They do not really want the territory and being there doesn't really achieve anything useful. It's too far from the front-line to be of any tactical use, it's just a random nothing parcel of land, which is precisely why it was not well-defended.

  2. Zelensky and his nationalist team are not statesman .. they should have maintained good win-win relations with russia and develop Ukraine.. Outsiders simply using zelensky for their selfish needs and ukraine lost valuable lands and people suffering..

  3. This situation in Kirsk, is because Ukraine doesn't het the weaponry they need so badly..

    It is a real shame how Ukraine has to resolve their own problems….Even do we hear the west will change Zelensky for another puppet they (or Putin) can control..
    This all is nothing more than a game…A game for money and power.. shame on the west, who are trying to get the best put of it for themselves. !!!

  4. A war that should never have been fought.Russia will gets its way as its been the landlord here for centuries.I would take Western analysis more seriously if they had not wasted the last 20 years in wasting time,men and money in idiotic conflicts in Africa and Asia.

  5. The discord videos fresh out of Donbas dont agree mike. The Ukrainians are holding under increased russian meat waves. The main word being "holding".

  6. The Ukrainian incursion was never meant to be permanent, there is not much to win in Kursk and the Russians can just wait until the Ukrainian Army gets hungry and leaves, not much to be won back in Donbass either, as it has been flattened, no way are the Russians going to pay to rebuild that area, they never invested money in their Soviet Zones, just bled them dry?
    With F-16´s coming they should be able to push the Russians back far enough to save Kramatorsk etc.
    Just have to wait and see if Ukraine sends dozens of heavy tank transporters to Kursk, pity they blew all the bridges up, no chance to advance now, but they can scoot to Donbass very quickly.
    Putin has lost face, object achieved!

  7. Will be interesting to see if Ridge has Tice on her show when it returns. His rhetoric and party is partly responsible for the riots and she gave him a platform every month for almost a year.

  8. Good analysis, except of course the obligatory propaganda slots at the beginning and the end (Putin/Russians are the bad guys, want the whole of Ukraine, etc). Russia didn't want any land. It just wanted a guarantee that Ukraine will stay neutral, so that the (by now publicly stated) existential threat posed by NATO is kept at bay.

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