‘Terrorist,’ ‘Traitor’: Calls For Trump’s Arrest Erupt Over Logan Act Violation After Urging Netanyahu to Reject Peace Deal Because It Could Benefit Harris

‘Terrorist,’ ‘Traitor’: Calls For Trump’s Arrest Erupt Over Logan Act Violation After Urging Netanyahu to Reject Peace Deal Because It Could Benefit Harris

‘Terrorist,’ ‘Traitor’: Calls For Trump’s Arrest Erupt Over Logan Act Violation After Urging Netanyahu to Reject Peace Deal Because It Could Benefit Harris

Posted by inewser

  1. This mfer. Let thousands more people die, needlessly so this horrible disgustin pile of flesh can “get a win” fuck him. Also every single person who supports him.

  2. This fucking scumbag is willing to allow thousands to die so he can keep his fat, rapist ass out of prison.


  3. Nixon did this to LBJ. The US had South Vietnam bugged, and overheard a Nixon rep urge SV leadership to hold out for a better peace plan under Nixon. LBJ failed to act against Nixon because he was afraid of the optics of spying on an ally. Irony about recording convos right!? Fuck this good old boy shit, arrest these traitors!

  4. Remember though, let’s keep up these “legitimate” protests aimed at the Democrats – you know, the folks brokering the cease fire.

  5. You know what doesn’t get talked about enough…

    The “October Surprise” theory about Reagan’s 1980 campaign allegedly bribing or making a secret deal with Iran to delay the release of American hostages. According to the theory, Reagan’s team supposedly negotiated with Iranian officials to ensure the hostages wouldn’t be released until after the election, hurting President Carter’s chances of re-election.

    Despite the speculation, no definitive evidence has ever been found to prove this. Multiple investigations, including those by Congress, have come up empty. The hostages were eventually released on January 20, 1981, the day Reagan was inaugurated, but that’s generally credited to the Carter administration’s negotiations rather than any backdoor deal by Reagan.

    So, while it’s an interesting theory and often comes up in discussions about election interference, it remains just that—a theory without solid proof, but I wouldn’t put anything past politicians, especially Republicans.

  6. If only our current president had been granted the powers of a GodKing by the supreme court. Official Actions.

  7. Donald Trump is a Pussy-Ass-Bitch

    He’s pussiest-ass bitch in the whole wide world.

    He’s stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch

    He’s a bitch to all the boys and girls.

    On Monday, He’s as Rapist

    On Tuesday, He’s Pedo

    On Wednesday through Saturday, he’s a traitorous bitch

    Then on Sunday, just to be different He’s a cheeseburger King McDonaldland bi-аtch!

    Have you ever met the Bitch Donald Trump?

    He’s most pussy-ass bitch in the whole wide world

    He’s YUGEST bitch if there ever was a bitch

    He’s a bitch to all the boys and girls.

    Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump HE’S A PUSSY BITCH.

    He walks around all day smelling like he sat in shit.

    Donald Trump is a Pussy-Ass-Bitch


  8. If this is true, and of course it fkg is with this buffoon, he should be put in jail immediately. How is this anything less than mass murder?

  9. Nixxon did same thing in the run up to the ’68 election. LBJ was furiously working for a cease fire in Vietnam. At the same time the Nixxon people (Kissinger?) were telling the Vietnamese they’d get a better deal with Nixxon. I think Johnson just gave up at this poiint.point.
    Republicans are weird and murderous.

  10. He would let people die because it would make him look bad because he wasn’t the one that force the ceasefire..what a pos. Same as the hostages in Russia.

  11. And this motherfucker and his cult want to bitch about election interference?? Get the fuck out of my face. He’s a sad little man-child who’s parents didn’t love him.

  12. People can die as long as it benefits him. Christians who support Trump should be ashamed of themselves.

  13. This can’t be real. I think this would actually be the nail in the coffin of his political career.

  14. This should be a headline in all the newspapers and news outlets, but it’ll literally get zero traction. He breaks the law with impunity constantly, and his cult frothy at the mouth for more fuel to troll the libs.

  15. He has no shame. Sacrifice thousands more lives to make sure that Harris doesn’t look good? More and more I am convinced that Trump is a demon, not a human being.

  16. And the weirdos will still find some way to defend this selfish pig, involving another country in politics now and letting there people die to win this is str8 up why he can’t win nato cannot be destabilized or world democracy and relations will fall apart/destabilize. vote blue!

    And I’m canadian saying this

  17. There it is folks, that’s all the GOP cares about anymore: WINNING.

    They don’t want to govern. They don’t want to improve lives or strengthen communities. They don’t want to fix anything or help anyone. They don’t have policies. ALL they want is CONTROL. They want to look down on us all and laugh while gloating that THEY WON and WE LOST.

    It’s SO petty and useless. They are the worst people imaginable in modern times, following perhaps only genocidal dictators. If Republicans had their way, they’d eagerly join their ranks.

    Please VOTE against this madness. There is no system in place to save us, no guaranteed protection. WE have to save ourselves.

  18. Wouldn’t it be great if the Justice department actually did something when rich people break the law.

  19. Yep, trump is a terrorist and a traitor and needs to be treated as such. It’s time to start holding his enablers accountable as well.

  20. Remember all the far left saying they’d vote third party over Democrat because of the Israel support?

    Funny how Trump even managed to piss that way.

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